Tuesday, August 23, 2005 - Posts

...not the success they thought it was going to be...

So I'm talking with Bob Scott of Accounting Technology and he says about SBS 2003 something along the lines of “it's pretty solid...but it's not the runaway success they predicted...”

...oh and that was a red flag in front of me....

...and it's funny...because here I am with one foot in the IT world and one foot in the Accounting world and SBS's success IS over 'there', but here in the Accounting world...where let's face it...we're CHEAP.... I have a hard time convincing folks that the technology that they think is 'good enough'...isn't.

Sorry Bob, but walk over here to the IT side of the world where it IS the success.  We just have to get the folks in my beancounter world to realize that they have to get 'it' and IT.

Sign up for that Microsoft Accounting network folks... you should have been here when Cynthia Bates of Microsoft was showing during her powerpoint presentation an video about a small business who realized their existing technology was a THREAT and not a resource.

No Rick we are not on track to have more patches than any other year

I'm in the presentation and the presenter says “we're on track to have more Security patches than any other year”

No, Rick, 2002 was a banner year with 72 patches and I think 2001 had more than that.  I'll have to check.

Rick... I know my patches... this is NOT a banner year for Security patches. 

Dennis Rocks!

Here at the Illinois Business and Technology show and the floor show here just rocked.  Dennis Clark in particular hit a home run with the MS Learning lab that featured the speaker talking via microphone..but rather blasting out the presentation in a noisy exhibit hall, had the folks listening via wireless headsets. SSOOOOOO cool. 

THEN he has these tiny lava lamps with usb connectors that plug into laptops ports that they are giving away swag.  It's soooo geeky.  We're bringing them to SMBnation.com. 

Dennis works for the Small Business Accounting folks for Microsoft ...but he's so SBS like it's not funny.  Part geek, part salesman, part tech troubleshooter.  He even ensured my beancounter trip to Seattle back in May ran smoothly. 

If he wasn't a SBA guy....he'd make a great SBSer.