Thursday, May 12, 2005 - Posts

You know you do a little too much beta testing when.....

You know you are one wacko beta tester when...

  1. Every computer and server you have at home practically permanently has “For Testing purposes only. Build blah blah” burned into the screen in the bottom corner
  2. You keep old beta cdroms marked “confidential only” as souvenirs.....ah... beta that was a fun event... remember patching SQL server after slammer?  They had to give us step by step instructions on that remember?  What memories that was
  3. RTM is a let down to you... what?  We don't get to have more changes?  You guys have to release it?  Dang!
  4. You know exactly where you were when products San Francisco with Grey for Windows Server 2003 and stuck at the office when SBS 2003 launched... and I'm still a bit miffed at the guys in New Orleans....the only time the guys would hit me on instant messaging was for about 2 seconds either on their way to the bathroom..don't know what was up with that..... or on their way between events.  I did however get a phone message on my cell phone.... there's nothing like Duran Duran's 'Hungry Like the Wolf' via voice mail.
  5. The Betaplace web site is practically your home page.
  6. You are getting real good at 'standing up boxes' as it's called 'in the biz'.
  7. You can tell when people at Microsoft have migrated domains from their email headers .... this one I have to admit really showcases I really need a life.

To all of those at Microsoft who 'dogfood' this stuff and 'shake it out' before we get it ...thanks.

Law # 4.... only let in ....what you trust

Law #4: If you allow a bad guy to upload programs to your website, it's not your website any more

This is basically Law #1 in reverse. In that scenario, the bad guy tricks his victim into downloading a harmful program onto his computer and running it. In this one, the bad guy uploads a harmful program to a computer and runs it himself. Although this scenario is a danger anytime you allow strangers to connect to your computer, websites are involved in the overwhelming majority of these cases. Many people who operate websites are too hospitable for their own good, and allow visitors to upload programs to the site and run them. As we've seen above, unpleasant things can happen if a bad guy's program can run on your computer.

If you run a website, you need to limit what visitors can do. You should only allow a program on your site if you wrote it yourself, or if you trust the developer who wrote it. But that may not be enough. If your website is one of several hosted on a shared server, you need to be extra careful. If a bad guy can compromise one of the other sites on the server, it's possible he could extend his control to the server itself, in which he could control all of the sites on it—including yours. If you're on a shared server, it's important to find out what the server administrator's policies are. (By the way, before opening your site to the public, make sure you've followed the security checklists for IIS 4.0 and IIS 5.0).

Boy did I know about this one in many ways... in SBS land where we had IIS 5 we got nailed by Code Red/Nimda because we didn't keep our systems up to date on patches.  We had 'bad code' uploaded to our web sites because we didn't patch.  Obviously IIS6.0 has been solid as a rock. 

Then I personally saw it on my site because it was a shared site and bad code meant to hijack web browsers was put on my externally hosted web site.  Boy did I feel weird about that. 

On SBS 2003 we actually recommend that you don't host a public web site on your server and instead just leave it for authenticated access like Remote Web Workplace.  Why?  Because you want to limit what visitors can do and only allow people you trust on that box.  It's not that you can't do it per se...just that with external web hosting so cheap...why not reduce risk?

That brings up another concept that I need to bubble up that was discussed in the newsgroup... the person wanted to limit the port 80/443 to only OWA so that folks from public kiosk-y computers could have access.  In this day and age of smart phones and relatively cheap laptops, you should NEVER let anyone log in from a device that you cannot trust.  To me there is no more untrusted device than a kiosk computer.

Think trust... and only let in...what you trust.

Geek web casts -- what more can a gal want?

Just received word that the ITshowcase has gone live!  This is really cool and really educational.

Click and view the web cast.. they are really cool!

Dr. Jesper Johansson and Steve Riley [who will be coming out with a book very soon] are both featured in this.