Saturday, August 27, 2005 - Posts

Messing up that morning email with a few extra printers via a TS session

Every morning when you view the 6 a.m. view of the network, you get that annoying “error” message that isn't an error message at all... it's just YOU logging into the server via Remote desktop and the system will want to 'add printers”... well so... how do you fix this annoyance?

Event Type: Error
Event Source: TermServDevices
Event Category: None
Event ID: 1111
Date:  8/27/2005
Time:  12:56:08 PM
User:  N/A
Driver Amyuni PDF Converter 2.07 required for printer Intuit Internal Printer is unknown. Contact the administrator to install the driver before you log in again.

Easy. When you launch the RDP connection, before you enter the password and get to that remote console, click on options on the right side to expand down the view of your options, then into “Local Resources“ tab and untick Printers


While in there... see the other options you have.

Analog blogging

So what do you do when you want to capture something for an audience, but you are in a technology conference where the power cords are way along the far wall and there is no wireless.

How about a bit of analog blogging?

Never let it be said that Anne Stanton doesn't know how to get around those minor roadblocks that technology [or lack thereof] may place in our way.

Next time you have a technology roadblock... go around it.

Allocated Memory Alert

After you install SBS 2003 sp1 you 'may' get a monitoring error saying you have an 'allocated memory alert'.  There are two possibilities of this issue that are VERY easily fixed.  I've personally had both happen to me and both times just put a little 'governing' value on the ISA sql instance and the SBSMonitoring instance and the system was happy as a clam afterwards.

Here's the two past posts to review regarding the issue:

A post in the newsgroup today made me stick this blog post in here to capture both links so I can just point folks to this one now.  If the memory alert is due to Sharepoint, you'll need to call Product Support and work through the issues, but if it's ISA or SBSMonitoring?  Stomp on 'em with absolutely no side affects.

...for those trivia buffs... I really should have said “Happy as a clam at high tide”

So where's the change IP address wizard?

There are times I think we need wizards to tell us there are wizards.  You know something that would say “You know..before you do that... you do realize we have a wizard for that?”

The change IP address wizard is like that.  On server management is buried under the Email and Internet section

Change Server IP Address  Enables you to change the IP address of the server's local network adapter and update all network services on the server to use this new address.

But yet this simple wizard makes it easy to change the IP address of the server and not forget a step.