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Thursday, May 05, 2005 - Posts

Detecting Stealth Software

My blog content mole pointed me to this report which has just been released . Detecting Stealth Software with Strider GhostBuster Yi-Min Wang; Doug Beck; Binh Vo; Roussi Roussev; Chad Verbowski February 2005 Stealth malware programs that silently

Restricting mail to a distribution group in exchange 2003

We recently created an email alias for the Industry Insiders forum and we were talking about whether to restrict inbound emails to the alias as we wanted to minimise any potential influx of spam.  The email alias is for Insiders to submit articles

Outlook command lines

Ewan sent me a mail the other day about all of the hidden stuff thats in Outlook that can be exposed using command lines. I had a browse around the site and found the crabby office lady, and the wonderful bit of Office Triva which will stay in my mind