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Friday, May 06, 2005 - Posts

Try out a smartphone for free

Only if you're in the UK though.  You can try the c500 free for a month in your organisation with 200 minutes of voice and 4mb of data. Then you'll be hooked.  Like I am.  I love this phone!  
posted by Eileen_Brown | 0 Comments
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Get a list of all .PST files on a computer

I get a lot of comments about what a nightmare PST's are to manage effectively and how out of control they seem to be in lots of organisations.  I've had my own challenges with PST's too, so my sympathies are with every IT manager who has this problem.

Installing Exchange 2003 into a new site

Jemima mailed me with a question: If I have a mixed mode Exchange 2003/5.5 environment of one site, can I install a second Exchange 2003 server into a new site? (and how)  Or do I have to change to native mode to do so? Chapter 6 of the Exchange