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Movie Times Near You!
Ron Howard and Tom Hanks reunite for The Da Vinci Code, based upon one of the best-selling books of all time by Dan Brown. Hanks plays Robert Langdon, a symbologist who is called in to help police solve a strange murder that has occurred in the Louvre. Langdon unexpectedly becomes a suspect even as he begins to solve a an ancient mystery so shocking it could shake the very foundations of society. The Da Vinci Code also stars Audrey Tautou, Ian McKellen, Paul Bettany, and Jean Reno. Visit the Official Site: Showtimes: Photos

Order Your Tickets to The Da Vinci Code.

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Today's IMDb Poll Question Is:
Today's PollDo you think this year's crop of summer movies is better or worse than last year? (vote)

On Demand: Brokeback Mountain
Brokeback MountainBrokeback Mountain, one of the most critically-acclaimed, controversial films of 2005 is now available On Demand. Starring Academy Award nominees Heath Ledger and Jake Gyllenhaal, with a screenplay co-adapted by the legendary Larry McMurtry (The Last Picture Show, Lonesome Dove), and directed by Academy Award winner Ang Lee, Brokeback Mountain is the story of the forbidden relationship of two cowboys and the toll their secret takes upon themselves and those near them over the years. Find out more about ordering Brokeback Mountain On Demand.

IMDb Movie of the Day
Never mind the 30-year age difference between Fred Astaire and Audrey Hepburn -- Funny Face is a wonder of movie magic and romance, surrounded by a fabulous Gershwin score, stunning Givenchy gowns and the beauty of Paris at its most ooh-la-la. Astaire is famed fashion photographer Dick Avery (based on the legendary Richard Avedon), who's looking for a fresh face to inspire him; Hepburn is Jo Stockton, a bookstore clerk who takes her inspiration from a beatnik movement that rejects materialism. Swayed by Avery's charms, and the lure of a free trip to Paris to meet her favorite bohemian philosopher, Jo agrees to become the new face for Quality magazine, a fashion bible run by imperious editor Maggie Prescott (Kay Thompson). The three rush off to France faster than you can say "Oui, oui!" and Jo finds herself falling for her dapper photographer -- amidst a score that features such chestnuts as "S'Wonderful," "He Loves and She Loves" and "Let's Kiss and Make Up." Based on the Gershwins' 1927 musical -- which shared the movie's name and songs, but not much more -- Funny Face is basically a glorious, extended excuse for the fabulous singing and dancing of its three charming stars. Hepburn is beautiful as ever, and hilarious in a modern-dance number set in a Parisian nightclub; Thompson, who received an Oscar® nomination, dazzles with the film's first number, "Think Pink," and never lets up. And Astaire, at his most nimble and charming, proves himself a romantic lead for all time, no matter what his age. - Mark Englehart (more) (Movie of the Day Archive)

Stand Out with IMDb Publicity Photos
Sophia MylesSome publicity photos have as much to do with art as with commerce. Take the photo for Sophia Myles (now in theaters with Art School Confidential). Her reps. probably added it to ensure that when casting directors and directors were on the site and looking up the filmography page for her that it could help her land her next role but it certainly also boasts an aesthetically pleasing element to it as well. Whether you're trying to beautify your client's page or just trying to get them a job (or both) IMDb Publicity Photos is here to help you in your cause.

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Truly Trivial
One thousand arc lights were used to simulate sunlight for this film. (answer)

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I draw the line at 7 unreturned phone calls.
From which TV show/Movie?

IMDb Hit List

Movie/TV News

Fri 19 May 2006:
Celebrity News
* Poitier Receives Honor at Cannes
* McKellen Courts Controversy
* 'The OC' Fans Furious at Barton
Studio Briefing
* Movie Reviews: 'Over the Hedge'
* Politics Returns to Cannes
* Sony May Launch New Film Division

Born Today

Friday, 19 May 2006:
Eric Lloyd (20)

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Indie Film @ IMDb

Ask a Filmmaker John August: When your script turns into a bad film.