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rank: Conscript
points: 0
occupation: Open Source Intelligence Analysis, State of Michigan, LTD.
location: Wetmore, US


Small town, working class from Michigan's Upper Peninsula. 1990 went to work for the MDOC; the very forefront of the U.S. Prison / Industrial Complex.
I learned there, the hard way, that if I wasn't one of them; "they" would be pit against me. Survived thus far in spite of the long, dangerous and mine-filled path traveled and I've learned much along the way. I'd like to now share these lessons and am actively seeking the assistance of those less war torn and weary than I, to help spread the Truth regarding our Collective Path.

currently reading:
“File Your Own Bankruptcy” by Edward A. Haman Attorney at Law

currently watching:
“Assassins” as performed by the Northern Michigan University Theatre Class

currently listening to:
Peter Gabriel’s “Long Walk Home” musical score from the “Rabbit Proof Fence”.
Robert Plant’s “Fate of Nations”


NSA Domestic Spying: Building a Bigger Haystack

B15973 / Fri, 9 Jun 2006 09:11:32 / Civil Liberties

Anybody starting to get the idea that maybe there’s a reason that the government is tracking the activities of “innocent” Americans?

If you track the previous pattern of calls made or e-mails sent, you’ll immediately be able to identify any variance to this pattern. New number? New e-mail address?

The calls or e-mails that will send up the red flags are the ones that are made outside the normal or previous pattern of calls made or e-mails sent.

If you want to screw with the NSA and this domestic spy program, spend some time meeting strangers via the telephone.

A ten second call to a wrong number will immediately be identified as such.

A ten minute call to a total stranger explaining to them that the reason you called is to explain to them the importance of the individuals personal privacy and that the NSA has been invading their privacy and the true purpose of your phone call, beyond educating the listener, is to create havoc with the very system that is being employed to track the conversation your currently having.

Follow up with a request for the listener to do likewise. Next time you’re hanging with friends, swap a few phone numbers that are preprogrammed into your cell phones. Oh yeah, they can track those too. You won’t even need to make a call then.

Just look up a couple in the phone book and randomly program them in.

Doesn’t need to be long distance, probably creates more suspicion by calling somebody across town.

No sense running up your phone bill.

Same goes for e-mails. I’ve got hundreds of valid e-mail addresses from ridiculous forwards that are passed along to me on a regular basis.

I’d be happy to swap a few in order to break some new ground and create a little smoke.

We all know there are various ways to harvest addresses that are valid and if you’re introducing yourself and your methods to a single individual address and not mass mailing, I don’t think that qualifies as spamming.

Give it a whirl, you can consider it poll taking and legitimate research into the attitudes of Americans regarding the President directing the NSA to spy on who they talk to on the phone or e-mail with their computers.

Much better idea than calling the NSA.


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