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New to email?

No, most of us aren't.  It really seems to be the ball and chain that keeps us tied to our desks doesn't it - unless we're really disciplined (how can I be desciplined when that piece of toast pops up in Outlook 2003 with an interesting subject title!).  Well I found this article on the office web site which gave me some tips that I'd never thought of - especially in the keyboard shortcuts training. I learned lots of stuff that I'd forgotten about years ago! However, I do wish that the meeting requests section  included training on how to update meeting requests effectively.  When I send a meeting request to lots of people, and some decline the initial meeting, those people don't want to be bothered by numerous updates to the original meeting if they've declined the meeting in the first place.  Well if you right click on the envelope to the left of the attendee name in the Appointments scheduling tab you can decide whether to send updates to them in the future. And not annoy them with trivia like room changes, schedule times and stuff like that.

So simple isn't it?  and yet hardly anyone uses this little known feature.  Now that would be a good "how to" on the office site - save us lots of extra mails...



Published Wednesday, February 02, 2005 3:33 PM by Eileen_Brown
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Wednesday, February 02, 2005 4:29 PM by Kevin Remde

# re: New to email?

Hi Eileen,

Frankly, as a Microsoft employee, I'm amazed at how little my team and coworkers use some of the really useful calendaring and meeting request functionality. At my former employer (where I happened to be Information Systems Manager and therefore in a position to promote such things) we relied heavily on free/busy information and autoscheduling of meeting times. We especially liked using it for the addition of the "resource" (aka "Conference Room") scheduling, to avoid conflicts in the scheduling of that oh-so-valuable realestate.

Our team seems to hardly ever believe that anyone else would be keeping their calendar up-to-date - so people end up scheduling you into a meeting when you clearly had something else going on.

I look forward to checking out those resources. Thanks!

PS - How was the skiing? :)
Wednesday, February 02, 2005 5:20 PM by Eileen Brown

# re: New to email?

Kevin, the skiing was awful :-( the worst season that whistler had for over 30 years. lots of slush and puddles even at the alpine region - only freezing point at the top of the mountain. I'll have to give up and stick to scuba diving instead!
Wednesday, February 02, 2005 6:09 PM by Fraser Dickson

# re: New to email?


Thanks for the very useful pointer. My company actually uses Lotus Notes at the office, however I use Outlook 2003 at home. I must admit, I had forgotten a lot of the Outlook shortcuts! I'm a big fan of Keyboard over Mouse!

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