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November 2005 - Posts

Sydney has VSLive!, Canberra get Ready to Rock

VSLive! has kicked off in Sydney today. The first day of VSLive is also the Business Launch day. Talk about overloading the event calendar!  Our special guest keynote speaker was David Treadwell, Corporate Vice President, .NET Developer Platform,
posted by frankarr | 0 Comments
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World Swim for Malaria

Des Walsh, a business coach and blogging evangelist, pinged me about the upcoming World Swim for Malaria, which has been initiated by an Aussie based in London. The equivalent of seven jumbo jets full of children die every day from the highly
posted by frankarr | 0 Comments
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Angus Logan : Blue Badge

In the lift at the office today, I bumped into Angus Logan. It's true - he works at Microsoft. He showed me his 'blue badge'. Time to move from http://msmvps.com/anguslogan/ Welcome to Sydney dude! [ Currently Playing : Felis Navidad - Jose Feliciano
posted by frankarr | 0 Comments
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Melbourne Rocked too. Sydney and Canberra You're next!

I've returned home, following the Ready Launch in Melbourne. The Melbourne Community Launch saw the who's who of the local sql server & dev community. For some reason the karaoke wasn't as popular as it was in Adelaide. Maybe the Melbourne
posted by frankarr | 2 Comments
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Adelaide Rocked! Melbourne are you Ready?

The last few days have seen the Ready Tour kick off in Adelaide. The community launch saw the local luminaries join in our "Karaoke madness", with a number of folks confirming that IT *is* the industry for them.  At the Business launch, I had
posted by frankarr | 1 Comments
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What is this Community Launch Thing?

I'm sitting in the Adelaide office, about to head out to the the community launch here, and I've been asked by folks what this is all about. Well, it's pretty simple - we have a fantastic collection of user groups around the country, and we want to use
posted by frankarr | 3 Comments
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Tablet Guy Downunder and Ready!!

The Tablet Guy has come to town and he is joining me on the Ready Tour Community Launches I have one to give to the best Geek Rocker in each city, so see you there! [ Currently Playing : Jingle Bells/Jingle Bell Rock - Hollyridge Strings
posted by frankarr | 1 Comments
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Little Aussie Battlers do good

It wasn't just the Aussie Soccer team that were winners this week. Local secretgeek, Leon Bambrick, in conjunction with his icelandic colleague Atli Björgvin Oddsson, won the Grand Prize in the Larkware 2005 Programming Contest. As Leon told me
posted by frankarr | 3 Comments
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Well, Wellington Rocked! So, Australia get Ready!

I went along to the Connect '05 event in Wellington on Wednesday. This was the first of the launch activities across Australia and New Zealand. I didn't get a chance to attend all the sessions, but I was able to stick me head into one or two and saw
posted by frankarr | 1 Comments
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Ready for Community Launch?

** Updated the Adelaide Venue ** All the boys are excited about the upcoming tour - Andrew Coates, Dave Glover, Michael Kleef and Dave "Mo" Lemphers all have a story to tell about it. Here's where the team will be and when:  Date
posted by frankarr | 4 Comments
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CaféNET is cool

Wellington, take a bow -- CaféNET is fantastic [ Currently Playing : Intro True Colours / I See Red - Split Enz - Extravaganza Disc 2 (00:43) ]
posted by frankarr | 1 Comments
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Things on the improve?

Following the experience of the night before, the hotel 'found' me another room, so I'm not on a FOLDAWAY bed anymore. Now, I am in a room called the Presidential Suite. It's grand and all, complete with a view, a bar and leather lounges, but you
posted by frankarr | 1 Comments
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Ahhh. the joys of travel

As I said, I am in Wellington NZ this week. Well, when I turned up at my hotel - Duxton Hotel Wellington - I discovered that I was sharing a room with one of my colleagues. Ok, it's part of team bonding, I'll go with the flow. I get up to
posted by frankarr | 7 Comments
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Off to Wellington NZ, in search of the Zephyrometer

I'm about to head out to Wellington, NZ for a few days. I'm taking part in a workhop with other members of the team, as well as catching up with the NZ DPE boys that are part of my extended team - Darryl Burling, Nigel Parker & Nathan Mercer.
posted by frankarr | 3 Comments
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First 4 weeks with my K-Jam

I've had my K-Jam for 4 weeks now, so time for a quick review, as promised. PROS Size is excellent. It passes "my weekend pop in a pocket to chase the kids" test WiFi is fantastic. This is reducing my GPRS data usage by an significant amount
posted by frankarr | 0 Comments
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Tablet PC in Education : Part Deux

Michael Specht saw my post about my son getting a Tablet PC, and suggested I look at The Table Education Blog for some more ideas. Nice. I also like The Student Tablet PC blog, as well as The Tablet PCs Weblog and TPN's Tablet PC Show Podcast
posted by frankarr | 1 Comments
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Redmondite? No Way Mate, I'm an Aussie, Yes I Am

Computerworld ran a piece about corporate blogging. Believe it or not, but I was interviewed by Michael Crawford for this story and I was quoted in the article. Cameron Reilly : Bosses see bloggers as corporate liability and Josh Gliddon :
posted by frankarr | 3 Comments
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Journos & Bloggers in Slugfest

My little post a few days ago regarding an article in The Australia has seem to have stired a few emotions. I got sent an email from a friend "inside the journo circle" which featured a post from a blog roundup of local tech stories called Epitome, which
posted by frankarr | 2 Comments
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Perth CoP VS2005 Launch : November 16th

The gang in Perth are so excited about VS2005, they are putting on a day of VS2005 Bliss. So if you are a Perth based developer wanting to get started with VS2005, read on and drop Nick an email. November 16th All-day Event - VS 2005 Launch With
posted by frankarr | 0 Comments
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Adam Cogan : Ready to Migrate

Check out this poster that has been used for the Ready Launch which features Australian Regional Director, Adam Cogan The quote reads:   "We just migrated 11,000 pages of 1.1 ASP.NET to 2.0. We're taking advantage of all the menu controls,
posted by frankarr | 0 Comments
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Web 2.0 Action : Melbourne Long Tail BBQ + Camp Details

Further to my post about Web 2.0 happening Downunder, I got an email from Ben Barren about an upcoming event in my old home town of Melbourne - it is the Melbourne Long Tail BBQ + Camp Melbourne Long Tail BBQ + Camp Details Where 33 Regent
posted by frankarr | 0 Comments
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Australian IT - J2EE, .NET in slugfest

Some of you may have seen the article by Eric Wilson in Australian IT, entitled J2EE, .NET in slugfest Good sensational headline. I was even quoted in the article, which is nice. What I didn't understand was Eric's point. He quoted some data from
posted by frankarr | 4 Comments
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Mobile Ink To-Do Starter Kit

Hmmm, this might be handy for my yet to be scoped side project Download the Mobile Ink To-Do Starter Kit This Visual C# and Visual Basic .NET Starter Kit is a complete Mobile PC and Tablet PC application. The starter kit contains a semi-transparent
posted by frankarr | 0 Comments
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Web 2.0 happening Downunder too

Last week I had a cuppa with Kevin Leversee, - Founder and Chief Courage Officer of a Sydney based consultancy called Pandora2.  Kevin describes it as a "Cluetrain Consulating Company".  I had met Kevin following a panel I sat
posted by frankarr | 10 Comments
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My Boy Billy is getting a Tablet just like Me!

I went to the parent's orientation meeting for Billy's new school last week. The session opened with a wonderful slide show featuring the boys of Year 7, 2006 who had been at the school earlier in the day for their school orientation. All the staff spoke
posted by frankarr | 5 Comments
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It's 1995 all over again, but this time it's Live

I had such a sense of déjà vu today with all the announcements. And I wasn't the only one to notice. It took me back to December 7, 1995 (Pearl Harbour Day) when BillG headed up a special briefing (called "Internet Strategy Day") telling the world
posted by frankarr | 2 Comments
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Australian Embedded Seminars : Sydney Nov 14 and Melbourne Nov 16

I went early with news about an upcoming Australian Embedded Seminars, as the dates and venues weren't finalised. Well it's all final now, so here's the details. When: Nov. 14 Sydney seminar & Nov. 16 Melbourne seminar Agenda
posted by frankarr | 0 Comments
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What the community thinks is important

I've been scanning a bunch of blogs over the past few days and I noticed a few themes, so for my entertainment, I will do my own version of memeorandum Visual Studio 2005 and .NET Framework 2.0 shipped!  AnthonyB, Aaron, Joe Sango, Matt, Mitch,
posted by frankarr | 0 Comments
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MSDN Flash : Out this week

The next MSDN Flash is due this week. It's been delayed by a few days, but I have been reassured by "those why should know these things" that it will be delivered soon. For those of you who cant wait, this is what I have to say. Hi there MSDN Flasher’s
posted by frankarr | 2 Comments
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Hello, yes I am still here

You know, when one of your own mentions that he has *NOT* seen a new blog post for a week, you gotta wonder a couple of things: good to know I have readers out there why did it take a week to say something gosh I've been busy with stuff. time
posted by frankarr | 3 Comments
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