Ooops - he did it again

Ooops - he did it again

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A picture named Smiling Brice Arrigo.jpgMy little Brice is a child that likes to live life on the edge.

In his short life he has had a broken leg, a broken arm, pneumonia, impetigo, countless cuts & bruises, but yesterday he experienced his personal hilight.  He swallowed a whistle!

Not a big one, but it was long, straight and slippery. It went right in. I haved the X-ray to prove it. And yes, we have heard all the silly jokes and puns!

The whistle is still in there. I have been checking all day after he goes to the batchroom. We are informed by the good doctors that it will eventually come out. I dont know if I will take a photo when that happens!

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