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Thom Yorke blasts Goverment over David Kelly. And mentions elephants...
14 Jun 2006

  Thom Yorke has been speaking out again, and as usual he's not in the most jovial of moods.

The politically conscious Radiohead singer said: "This is such a dark period in our country's history. There are these huge elephants that we have in the room at the moment, in the West, and people are desperately trying to erase them from public consciousness."

Right. Presumably this is the relevance of the title of his forthcoming album 'The Eraser'.

Speaking to the Globe and Mail, Yorke also spoke about the lyrical content of the track 'Harrowdown Hill' which deals with the death of Doctor David Kelly.

"The government and the Ministry of Defence were implicated in his death." he said. "They were directly responsible for outing him and that put him in a position of unbearable pressure that he couldn't deal with, and they knew they were doing it and what it would do to him.

"I've been feeling really uncomfortable about that song lately, because it was a personal tragedy, and Dr. Kelly has a family who are still grieving. But I also felt that not to write it would perhaps have been worse."

He's certainly more direct than Keane - TALK!


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