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Understanding Interop and Migration: Overview

Need to introduce Microsoft products or technologies to your environment? Find resources to help you integrate and migrate legacy and non-Microsoft operating systems and products.

Tasks and Tools

In the Tasks and Tools section, you’ll find information on relevant Migration and Interoperability tasks—and the tools most often used to accomplish those tasks. Just use the left-hand navigation menu to indicate the product or technology with which you want to interoperate—or migrate to or from—and you’ll immediately be taken to the relevant content or tool.
If, for example, you select the Interoperating menu and choose IBM Mainframes, you will be taken to a page that provides you with links to Webcasts, White Papers and a Resource Kit to help accomplish this task. Similarly, IT Pros looking to migrate from Linux will find downloads, White Papers, and Webcasts to help them with this task.

Understanding Interop and Migration: Overview

Benefit from our solid business and technology guidance on best practices for interoperating with—or migrating to—major Microsoft products and platforms.


In the downloads section, you will find the most often viewed downloads for interop and migration, listed by product or technology. For example, in the SQL server section you will find tools, solution guides and utilities for both interop and migration.


In the community section, you will find bloggers, blog postings, and other interop and migration community resources, such as Columns, managed forums, newsgroups, and RSS feeds.


Review interop and migration on-demand webcasts and upcoming live events that should not be missed in this section.

Scripting for Interop and Migration

The Script Center has lots of resources for helping you automate your interop and migration tasks, including user submitted scripts, as well as tools and training to accelerate your own scripting. In this section, you will find the Script Center interop and migration resources.

Featured Articles

In this 2005 executive e-mail on interoperability, Bill Gates wrote: “Microsoft offers a comprehensive portfolio of interoperability software capabilities, from the operating system to individual applications. Our software works with a vast array of technologies in the marketplace, whether they shipped last week or decades ago. Microsoft software can talk to mainframes and minicomputers from IBM and other manufacturers; other operating systems such as the Mac OS and various UNIXes including Linux; NetWare or AppleTalk networks and native Internet protocols; dozens of programming languages, ranging from COBOL and RPG, through C++ and Java, to the latest experimental languages; hundreds of databases including Oracle, Sybase and DB2; popular business applications like SAP or Siebel; vertical industry standards like SWIFT or HL7; email systems; and infrastructure products providing message queues, directory, management and security.”

Building Connected Systems: The .NET Framework and the Microsoft Enterprise Application Development Platform

This briefing from the Microsoft Enterprise Development Strategy Series introduces the Microsoft platform for non–Microsoft audiences, covering key application platform requirements in the enterprise and Microsoft's view on connected systems and service orientation.


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