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Webcasts for Interoperability and Migration

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Microsoft Windows and Linux Interoperability: Shattering the Myths (Level 200)

For many organizations, interoperability is critical to their technology environments. To cooperate with Linux, Microsoft Windows Server 2003 is designed with interoperability in mind. If you are in an environment where you need Linux and Microsoft Windows to work cooperatively, you need to know what Windows Server 2003 has to offer to make that communication easier. This webcast shows you the features built into Windows Server 2003 which help you make contact with Linux.

Unix to Windows Migration and Interoperability (Level 200)

This session will compare Microsoft Windows and UNIX architectures in areas such as security, file systems, network design, and integrated services. Core topics presented will include identity interoperability, UNIX-to-Windows migration best practices, and available solution accelerators. In addition, the session will detail how technologies in Windows Services for UNIX (SFU) can help you port applications and scripts from UNIX to Microsoft Windows Server 2003, have them run natively on Windows, and have the ability to extend the ported application to take advantage of Microsoft .NET and XML Web Services.

UNIX to Windows File and Print Interoperation and Migration (Level 200)

Do you administer a mixed UNIX- and Windows-based network? Learn how Microsoft Services for UNIX greatly facilitates the interoperation and migration of file and print sharing technologies between Windows and UNIX. In this session, we compare and contrast common UNIX and Windows technologies for file sharing and illustrate how standard print operations on UNIX can be migrated to Windows by using Services for UNIX. We will also examine how and when to apply different security access models when building bridges from UNIX to Windows.

Migrating Oracle and UNIX Systems to SQL and Windows (Level 200)

Does your organization have plans for a process-driven migration of an Oracle database on UNIX to Microsoft SQL Server on Windows? In this session, we will outline different migration strategies, highlight key technical considerations, and demonstrate what is involved in performing the migration. The discussion will cover both application and database migration issues, including a number of Web application server scenarios.

Introduction to Windows Services for UNIX (Level 200)

Do you need to integrate Windows and UNIX-based environments? This webcast provides an overview of Microsoft Windows Services for UNIX 3.5 (SFU). SFU provides a full range of supported and fully integrated cross-platform network services to help enterprise customers integrate Windows and UNIX-based environments. Join this webcast to learn how to get the most out of existing UNIX network administrator tools and skill sets. Windows Services for UNIX 3.5 provides more than 300 UNIX utilities and shells that enable you to run existing shell scripts with little or no change on Windows.

Introduction to Windows Server System for UNIX Professionals (Level 100)

As the capabilities of Windows has grown over the years, so has its toolset grown to enable the IT profession to administer it effectively in a large enterprise environment. This session introduces the enterprise computing capabilities offered by Microsoft as compared to UNIX technology, and how the Microsoft Windows platform can be an effective alternative to UNIX. It provides an overview of the Microsoft enterprise platform—including the Windows Server System and the Windows development environment—and points you to the available prescriptive guidance and support relative to platform migration and subsequent operation.

Integrating UNIX Systems with Active Directory for Authorization and Authentication (Level 200)

Are you using older technologies to manage users, security, and resources for your UNIX systems? Both increasing security requirements and demands on infrastructure growth can put a strain on existing UNIX solutions. This webcast illustrates how Microsoft Windows with Active Directory can address these needs on behalf of the UNIX network of servers. Learn about the possible approaches you can take to address this challenge, either by using built-in components of Active Directory or by taking advantage of battle-tested third-party products and services.

Unix to Windows Migration and Interoperability (Level 200)

This session will compare Microsoft Windows and UNIX architectures in areas such as security, file systems, network design and integrated services. Core topics presented will include identity interoperability, UNIX-to-Windows migration best practices and available solution accelerators. In addition, the session will detail how technologies in Windows Services for UNIX (SFU) can help you port applications and scripts from UNIX to Microsoft Windows Server 2003, have them run natively on Windows, and have the ability to extend the ported application to take advantage of Microsoft .NET and XML Web Services.

UNIX to Windows File and Print Interoperation and Migration (Level 200)

Do you administer a mixed UNIX- and Windows-based network? Learn how Microsoft Services for UNIX greatly facilitates the interoperation and migration of file and print sharing technologies between Windows and UNIX. In this session, we compare and contrast common UNIX and Windows technologies for file sharing, and illustrate how standard print operations on UNIX can be migrated to Windows using Services for UNIX. We will also examine how and when to apply different security access models when building bridges from UNIX to Windows.

Migrating Oracle and UNIX Systems to SQL and Windows (Level 200)

Does your organization have plans for a process-driven migration of an Oracle database on UNIX to Microsoft SQL Server on Windows? In this session, we will outline different migration strategies, highlight key technical considerations and demonstrate what is involved in performing the migration. The discussion will cover both application and database migration issues including a number of Web application server scenarios.

Introduction to Windows Services for UNIX (Level 200)

Do you need to integrate Windows and UNIX-based environments? This webcast provides an overview of Microsoft Windows Services for UNIX 3.5 (SFU). SFU provides a full range of supported and fully integrated cross-platform network services to help enterprise customers integrate Windows and UNIX-based environments. Join this webcast to learn how to get the most out of existing UNIX network administrator tools and skill sets. Windows Services for UNIX 3.5 provides more than 300 UNIX utilities and shells that enable you to run existing shell scripts with little or no change on Windows.

Introduction to Windows Server System for UNIX Professionals (Level 100)

As the capabilities of Windows has grown over the years, so has its toolset grown to enable the IT profession to administer it effectively in a large enterprise environment. This session introduces the enterprise computing capabilities offered by Microsoft as compared to UNIX technology, and how the Microsoft Windows platform can be an effective alternative to UNIX. It provides an overview of the Microsoft enterprise platform including the Windows Server System, the Windows development environment, and points you to the available prescriptive guidance and support relative to platform migration and subsequent operation.

Integrating UNIX Systems with Active Directory for Authorization and Authentication (Level 200)

Are you using older technologies to manage users, security and resources for your UNIX systems? Both increasing security requirements and demands on infrastructure growth can put a strain on existing UNIX solutions. This webcast illustrates how Microsoft Windows with Active Directory can address these needs on behalf of the UNIX network of servers. Learn about the possible approaches you can take to address this challenge, either using built-in components of Active Directory or taking advantage of battle-tested third party products and services.

Linux Compatibility and Interoperability Using Microsoft Windows Services for UNIX 3.5

View this webcast to learn more about how to use Services for UNIX to achieve interoperability with Linux.

TechNet Webcast: Strategies and Tools for Upgrading to SQL Server 2005 (Level 200)

This webcast introduces you to the strategies and tools that can help you make a smooth transition from Microsoft SQL Server 7.0 or Microsoft SQL Server 2000 to the recently released Microsoft SQL Server 2005. Two different upgrade strategies are discussed: the migration strategy, which involves installing SQL Server 2005 on a new server and then migrating data; and the in-place strategy, in which you upgrade your existing installation.

Upgrading to SQL Server 2000

Planning an upgrade to SQL Server 2000 from a previous version? This session covers specific changes to SQL Server 2000 that will be of interest to administrators when planning an upgrade.

Leverage Your Notes Investment Webcast Series

Microsoft technical evangelist Gary Devendorf hosts TechNet webcasts and explores the "how" as he walks Notes developers and IT managers through the process of building solutions from the Microsoft collaboration platform that integrate with a Notes environment.

Making the Transition from Lotus Domino Messaging to Exchange Server (Level 200)

Learn about the best path to an easy transition, and find out about recent updates to the tools available from Microsoft that can help you migrate from IBM Lotus Notes and Domino.

NT 4.0 and Windows 2003 Active Directory Interoperability

This session covers trust relationships, the Active Directory Sizer tool, name resolution methods, migrating accounts from Windows NT 4.0 to Windows Server 2003, directory and file replication in Windows NT 4.0 and Windows Server 2003, and interoperation of system and group policy.

Window Server 2003 DNS Integration with Active Directory

This TechNet Briefing covers how to integrate DNS and Active Directory, which enables your organization to deploy and gain the benefits of Active Directory while still maintaining any existing DNS infrastructure you may have.

Integrating Active Directory with an Existing DNS Infrastructure

Gain an understanding of the integration of Windows 2000 into environments that have DNS already configured and running. This TechNet Briefing looks at the best practices for performing this task.

Windows NT 4.0 and Windows 2000 Active Directory Interoperability

View this webcast and learn about trust relationships, using the Active Directory Sizer, account migration, replication, and more.

How To Migrate Your Windows NT 4.0 Directory Services To Windows 2000 Active Directory

Learn how to plan a migration from Windows NT 4.0 directory services to Windows 2000 Active Directory and decide whether to keep the same domain architecture or restructure the domain architecture.


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