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Thanks for visiting Islamic Life. This website is designed to provide access to information and resources from the best of what Islam has to offer. We hope you appreciate this site. Please feel free to contribute links and content that are in line with the mission of this site.

Index [Up^]

The following is a topical index to the content on this page:

What's New [Up^]

Shaykh Yusef Estes. We now have audio from a speech given by Shaykh Yusef Estes in Iowa City on Thursday, 13 April 2006. Because Shaykh Estes was previously a Christian Preacher, he is able to charismatically, eloquently, and powerfully include this background in his respectful presentation of Islam. His use of humor and candor make this an enjoyable presentation for just about any audience.

About Islam [Up^]

Islam is a beautiful religion with a wonderful history. While some religious traditions today have adapted to the fickle and ever changing modern cultural demands, Islam has remained much the same for hundreds of years. One might think that an emphasis on holiness, modesty of dress, regular daily prayer, fasting, dedication to Allah (God), giving money to the poor, and marital fidelity might dissuade people from pursuing Islam. However, Islam continues to grow world-wide as people increasingly find it to be a meaningful and rewarding way of life, as well as a supportive and compassionate community.

The Best of Islam [Up^]

There are many views and statements today regarding the nature of Islam. Unfortunately, much of world opinion has been shaped by a minority of self professed Islamic extremist who advocate or emphasize violence, separatism, hatred and intolerance. Anti-Arab and anti-Muslim groups state their own twisted and misinformed rhetoric and hateful propaganda. Western media isn't an ally of Allah either. So, the general public is presented with images of Muslims who are terrorists and suicide bombers. In this ocean of misinformation, it is difficult to find the true meaning of Islam. This website is designed to provide access to information and resources from the best of what Islam has to offer. We hope you appreciate this site. Please feel free to contribute links and content that are in line with the mission of this site.

An Overview of Islam [Up^]

The word Islam comes from an Arabic root word 'salaam', which means peace. In its literal meaning, Islam means submission to God (to the will of Allah Most Exalted SWT). Thus, the word Islam signifies the act of submitting oneself to the order of Allah SWT and avoiding what He forbids. The core components of the Islamic faith, referred to as the 5 pillars, are:

In addition to the 5 pillars of Islam, there are four primary texts or sources for religious teaching:

Benefits of Islam [Up^]

Various scientific studies have evaluated the impact of religious living on various aspects of human physiology and life. Islam is one of many religions that produces surprising results including:

Scientists now understand that the practice worship, prayer, fellowship, and the study of religious texts produces a powerful chemical reaction in the body that results in greater health and well-being. In addition to these health benefits that are common among religious people, Islam provides healthful guidelines regarding food that some other religions don't have. Observance of Islam also results in strong marriages and families, building of strong communities, providing support to the poor, and the development of successful ethical businesses. This is achieved as followers of Islam strive to be aware and mindful of doing their best to apply the teachings and wisdom of the Qur'an to daily living.

Islamic Links [Up^]

Here are links to various sites for more information on Islam. These sites were found to be of high quality in their design and content. Please let us know of any additions or corrections to this list. Sites are listed alphabetically. Five star ratings are provided in parenthesis. If your time is limited, we would recommend that you visit Understanding Islam and The Modern Religion web sites.

Islam in the News [Up^]

Pope John Paul II. DAMASCUS, Syria, 6 May 2001 ? In slow, shuffling steps, Pope John Paul II crossed across another historic divide Sunday, becoming the first pontiff to set foot inside a mosque. On the second day of a four-day tour of Syria, the pope made the groundbreaking visit to the ancient Omayyad Mosque in the old walled city in central Damascus, calling on Muslims and Christians to live in respectful dialogue rather than conflict.

The 80-year-old pontiff leaned on his cane as he walked accompanied by Kuftaro, who is several years older than John Paul and also uses a cane. The two religious leaders then sat beside each other in the mosque's vast courtyard, famous for its white marble colonnade combining Roman and Arab styles. As the two men shook hands, the pope said he was deeply moved to be a guest in a mosque so rich in religious history. "In Syria, Christians and Muslims have lived side by side for centuries, and a rich dialogue of life has gone on unceasingly," said the pope, adding that negative experiences should not be allowed to undermine hopes for peace. "For all times that Muslims and Christians have offended one another, we need to seek forgiveness from the Almighty and offer each other forgiveness."

The site of the Omayyad mosque, among the most revered by Muslims, is steeped in complex religious history stretching back 3,000 years. Once a pagan temple, it was converted into a Christian church in the fourth century, and for several decades in the seventh century it was shared by Christians and Muslims as a place of worship. The mosque still includes a shrine dedicated to John the Baptist, whose head is believed buried inside. Christian pilgrims often visit the mosque, but a pontiff never has. Syrian and Vatican officials both described John Paul's trip as a significant development in Catholic-Muslim relations.

Islamic Reform and Progressive Islam [Up^]

Some people today are trying to reform Islam. This movement is sometimes called Progressive Islam. Some believe strongly in an adaptive Islamic view and practice. Others hold to the traditional and conservative viewpoints. You will likely find people on both sides of the issue who are very passionate about this topic. Some view Progressive Islam as a watered down version of the religion. Concerns regarding Progressive Islam are similar to those among other religious groups who do not welcome changes to traditionally held beliefs and practices.

The following appeal is an excerpt from an Islamic web site, The Modern Religion, managed by Muslim youth Fareena Alam. Fareena is from Bangladesh, grew up in Singapore, and is now living in London. This appeal expresses concern about a minority of Muslims who are the subject of media attention that depicts incorrect information about Islam. The statement has been slightly paraphrased.

Islam is wrongly accused of instructing its followers to be backward, violent, illiterate and extremist. When the truth of the matter is that Islam is pure but a few Muslims with distorted practices are not! Unfortunately, misinformation is prevalent in text books, fiction and non-fiction material, reference books, encyclopedias, magazines, journals, newspapers, television and radio shows. A minority of so called Muslims give others reasons to believe Islam is oppressive and unjust. A statistically insignificant minority of incidents tend to skew public opinion of Islam. These incidents to not represent the larger expression of Islam. This minority of so called Muslims should apply the Qur'anic principles of peace, love, forgiveness, brotherhood and the rights of women before they "lecture" others; otherwise they are culprits in the war against Islam.

Let's not be living examples of horrid misconceptions and lies about Islam - let's be examples that will invite Non-Muslims to learn about the TRUE Islam.

Non-Muslim Viewpoints [Up^]

It is helpful to provide the views of non-Muslims because they can share impressions and experiences in a way that is easy for other non-Muslims to understand. Also, the opinions of impartial and unbiased people are often insightful and can offer additional validity. Here is the opinion of one non-Muslim:

Thank You [Up^]

Thank you for visiting Islamic Life. Please let us know if you have any comments or suggestions.

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