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By building on the proven Microsoft Windows 2000 operating system, Windows XP Professional Edition delivers a computing experience that helps you stay better connected with customers and business partners. Windows XP helps you recover from system problems more easily and enables you to host your own Web site.

Built to be Dependable

Windows XP Professional builds on the core software code used in Windows 2000 and Windows NT Workstation. This code gives Windows XP reliability and makes it more powerful, secure, and stable than Windows Me, Windows 98, or Windows 95. If you've used those systems in the past, you'll notice a dramatic difference: Even if a program crashes, in most cases your computer will keep running.

Windows XP reliability is based on:

Superior operating system technologies that work together to prevent and resolve problems, and keep your system running smoothly.

The ability to recover your work. If a program crashes before you can save your work, many times the system will be able to recover it for you.

System memory protection to help prevent poorly written software from making your computer unstable and prone to crashing.

Streamlined software installation. When you install new software, you usually don't need to reboot Windows XP, which is often a requirement with earlier Windows versions.

Host Your Own Web Site

Windows XP Professional also includes the ability to host a Web and FTP site locally using Internet Information Services (IIS). You have complete control over the content when you host the website right at your place of business.

In addition, since IIS can host any registered domain name (such as www.yoursmallbusiness.com), it also helps give your business a more progressive and professional look. If you are looking to host more than one website, consider upgrading to Small Business Server 2003 for additional functionality.

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