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Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation

From SourceWatch

The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, according to The Bradley Foundation 1998 Annual Report, was giving away more than $30 million per year.[1] (

According to the Media Transparency web site, the Foundation's "resources, its clear political agenda, and its extensive national network of contacts and collaborators in political, academic and media circles has allowed it to exert an important influence on key issues of public policy. While its targets range from affirmative action to social security, it has seen its greatest successes in the areas of welfare 'reform' and attempts to privatize public education through the promotion of school vouchers....

"The overall objective of the Bradley Foundation, however, is to return the U.S. -- and the world -- to the days before governments began to regulate Big Business, before corporations were forced to make concessions to an organized labor force. In other words, laissez-faire capitalism: capitalism with the gloves off.

"To further this objective, Bradley supports the organizations and individuals that promote the deregulation of business, the rollback of virtually all social welfare programs, and the privitization of government services. As a result, the list of Bradley grant recipients reads like a Who's Who of the U.S. Right ... Heritage Foundation ... Madison Center for Educational Affairs ... American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research, literary home for such racist authors as Charles Murray (The Bell Curve) and Dinesh D'Souza (The End of Racism), former conservative officeholders Jeane J. Kirkpatrick, Jack Kemp and William J. Bennett, and arch-conservative jurists Robert H. Bork and Antonin Scalia....

"Other Bradley grantees include ... Hoover Institution on War, Revolution and Peace; and the Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation" ... Potomac Foundation and Encounter Books. [2] (

Table of contents

Board of Directors and Personnel

Board of Directors (2005)


Former staff


The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation
P.O. Box 510860
Milwaukee, WI 53203-0153
Phone: 414 291-9915
Fax: 414 291-9991

Other SourceWatch Sources

External Links

  • Bruce Murphy, Neoconservative clout seen in U.S. Iraq policy (, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel On-line, April 5, 2003. Article connects link between Bradley-funded think tanks and U.S. pre-emptive policies in the Middle East.
  • Salim Muwakkil, Neocon Convergences (, In These Times, June 3, 2003. "Foundation has forged a link between a neo-imperialist foreign policy and a neoracist domestic policy."

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