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Jesper's Book Site Launch

Jesper has launched a site to promote his book (written with SteveProtect Your Windows Network here. Here's a teaser to get you to go look.


Consider, for instance, next time you go through an airport security check, who would be capable of causing more damage: a 92-year old grandmother with a pair of cuticle scissors, or a 22-year old martial art black belt? They will confiscate the cuticle scissors, but they will allow the martial arts champion on the plane without putting him in shackles first. Some secure facilities will confiscate USB drives (and GPS receivers—why in the world?) “for security reasons” but they allow 80 gigabyte FireWire-1394 drives through because the security personnel cannot imagine any “threats” associated with digital music players. Many organizations have a password policy that requires users to use passwords too long and complicated to remember (and then routinely complain about the expense of resetting locked-out accounts); they block any kind of information gathering from down-level systems; and they do it all on computers that have not been patched for over a year!

Published Wednesday, November 23, 2005 5:28 PM by tonyso


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