posted on Thursday, December 16, 2004 11:20 PM by bradley

It's just not a Bradley family holiday without some event

[warning off topic blog post]

It's just not a Bradley holiday season without an “event” occuring.  You know... an event.  When I was much younger one year the event occurred when I was attempting to do recreate “Chestnuts roasting on an open fire” California style and placed fresh Chestnuts in the Oven.  I opened the door to check them and somehow the open oven door with the cold air interacted with the warm chestnuts and .... well.. I had an explosion of Chestnuts all over the kitchen ceiling and chestnut meat in my hair.

Another year my Mom roasted the turkey with the plastic giblet bag still in the neck cavity.

Another year I caught bread dough on fire in the oven [even had firemen come to the house on that one]

Another year we were opening up a Whipped cream canister [the cool ones from Williams Sonoma that you “re-charge“ yourself] and the leftover cream that was inside shot through the open kitchen window to the outside [it was still under pressure]

Last year a one inch water pipe broke in our bathroom and flooded our living room.  I walked in from the garage, heard water running, thought the lavatory got stuck and realized...uh oh.. when my shoes went “squish squish”.  We had carpeting we wanted to remove anyway... we just kinda removed it a little sooner than we planned.

So tonight my sister comes home and is talking on the phone and notices some brown sticky stuff and thinks that I've dropped maple syrup on the tile.  Little does she realize that I haven't had maple syrup in about a month... and then she realizes there is “syrup” on the front ...the front of the fridge. 

You see my Dad was trying to get the ceiling blade fans to straighten out so he um... varnished them... and um.. then after he thought they were dry.... um... and turned on the fans and ...... oh yeah.  That brown maple syrup was actually varnish.

One messed up manicure later as Karen [my sister] and I [we share the house together] scraped the varnish polka dots off the walls, the floors, the tile, the ... well kinda everywhere and in this really interesting arc-ing pattern.  Amazingly it came off.  [Poor Dad felt kinda bad but in hindsight it's really funny now]

Happy Holidays everyone.. NOW it's truly the holiday season at the Bradley house... we've had our annual holiday “event”.

P.S.  Do you kinda get the idea that you don't want to be invited over for Christmas dinner at our house without wearing some kind of body armor?


# re: It's just not a Bradley family holiday without some event

Sunday, December 19, 2004 10:26 PM by Wayne Small
umm - ok - I'll come to Christmas dinner provided I can wear my Halo 2 body armour. :-) Have a good one Susan!

# re: It's just not a Bradley family holiday without some event

Sunday, December 19, 2004 10:26 PM by Wayne Small
umm - ok - I'll come to Christmas dinner provided I can wear my Halo 2 body armour. :-) Have a good one Susan!

# Merry Christmas to all!

Saturday, December 25, 2004 1:30 PM by