Sunday, January 02, 2005 - Posts

Who protects the Internet?

Back from our New Year's trip to Disneyland.

We survived the Tower of Terror ride [well the adults barely survived, the 10 year old we were with wanted to go again].

While in the park we noticed two cool technology items.  Once was at the Test Pilots grill where we were able to order our food from a touch screen menu order taking system.  We also checked into the hotel using a similar technology.

At dinner in Downtown Disney, the 10 year old asked “Who is in charge of the Internet?” and we had to explain to him that there are many organizations that provide the backbone of the Internet.  From phone companies and what not, and we explained how the Internet came into being.

Then the 10 year old asked “Who protects the Internet?”

Hmmm... good question from a 10 year old.

I would argue that we all do.

We do when we patch, when we make sure our antivirus is up to date.  When we don't open up emails automatically.  We also all protect the Internet when folks like those at keep an eye on things and notify the necessary parties.

You know they are volunteers, don't you?

You know you can help out don't you?

It takes all of us, yes even little SBS networks to do their part to make the Internet safe.  We're all on this highway together.

So keep an eye out, will you? 

And remember, WE ALL help to protect the Internet.