Getting rootbound and needing a bit of repotting


Time flies doesn't it?  Just over a year ago a tiny seed was planted and nutured and the plant grew.  It's leaves stretched out to see the sun and it reached up towards the sky.  Now a year later, the plant looked around and realized it needed a new pot to grow in.  Something bigger and better.  More room to spread out it's roots and get bigger.  It needs a bit of repotting.

I think it's only fitting on a sunny spring day where the birds are chirping and the leaves are coming out in full force on the trees that I get word that someone is getting a bit root bound and moving pots.... or locations as the case may be.

What started out in a sheltered location in the center of the country in now branching out to touch the entire nation.

The tireless Eric Ligman is off to join the U.S. Small Business Team in Redmond.  This September, that means he'll have no excuse not to be there for those SBS hugs and handshakes at SMBnation.

Like Eric says.... now is definitely the time to be a Microsoft Small Business Partner!  So tell your peers and anyone else you know who offers Microsoft solutions to the Small Business segment to get onboard.

1) Become a Microsoft Registered Partner:
2) Join the Microsoft Small Business Channel Community:
3) Join the Small Business Partner Engagement Program:

Thank you too Eric, Senior Manager - U.S. Small Business Group for Community Engagement and here's to you and your family having a very very wonderful day! 

And congratulations on your new pot.

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