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Dell, OEM, WSUS and Ed

Reading Charlie's blog  on an issue with Dell Open Manage 4.3 and below and SBS 2003 sp1, reminded me that I've not seen any resolution for you guys on the issue with getting WSUS installed on Dell OEMs. 

For one, because I don't have a Dell OEM, I can't get a support ticket opened up to ask about it and there is nothing on their Service web page that I can tell that confirms or denies the issue we are seeing where we can't get WSUS on a Dell OEM machine.   It's getting stuck on the Dell supplied IWAM account ...and while it 'shouldn't matter' ...apparently it does.  I don't like to be too alarmist if I don't personally see an issue, but all I know is that I've had too many folks report this issue to not take it as gospel.

Ed complains that Bloggers shouldn't get preferential treatment when we publically complain ...and Ed... I quite agree with you.  In that respect my blog is no different than the 'full disclosure folks' I rant about.  One shouldn't have to have a vocal hissy fit about something that is broken to get it fixed, the vendor should just do something about it. 

For me, I'd personally like it if Dell would have some sort of designated liason with the SBS community.  I'm sure we sell enough Dell boxes around here.  But when we're just hitting a brick wall ...sometimes it just makes you feel better to hiss...well, just a little anyway.

So for any of you folks that ARE seeing this issue and DO have a Dell support contact?  Can you do me a favor and see what the status is of this?  Feel free to ping me or contact via the blog.


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Published Tuesday, July 05, 2005 6:45 PM by bradley
Filed under:


# re: Dell, OEM, WSUS and Ed

Just reported this issue to Dell (The Netherlands). As soon as I get a response, I will let you know.

Wednesday, July 06, 2005 12:21 AM by bradley

# WSUS failure log from Dell OEM sbs 2003 sp1

I am having issues installing WSUS on an OEM Dell server as well. I don't have a software support contract so I don't think they'll help me. I posted the problem here: http://support.microsoft.com/newsgroups/newsReader.aspx?dg=microsoft.public.windows.server.sbs&tid=88851327-948a-4978-8c4f-462956bbaa8c&cat=en_US_9445f44b-b7bf-4043-bac8-df9d6cbfa41c&lang=en&cr=US&sloc=en-us&m=1&p=1

Here is the relevant portion of the error log...
2005-07-19 15:58:25 Success CustomActions.Dll Successfully created WSUS
Administrators user group
2005-07-19 15:59:20 Error CustomActions.Dll SQL command is returning
error (Error 0x80004005: Unspecified error)
2005-07-19 15:59:20 Error CustomActions.Dll ExecuteSQLCommand
returning error (Error 0x80004005: Unspecified error)
2005-07-19 15:59:20 Error CustomActions.Dll Failed to execute SQL
script (Error 0x80004005: Unspecified error)
2005-07-19 15:59:20 Error CustomActions.Dll BuildAndExecuteSQLQuery
failed (Error 0x80004005: Unspecified error)
2005-07-19 15:59:20 Error CustomActions.Dll Failed to execute add
account SQL Script (Error 0x80004005: Unspecified error)
2005-07-19 15:59:20 Error CustomActions.Dll AddAccount returning error
(Error 0x80004005: Unspecified error)
2005-07-19 15:59:20 Error CustomActions.Dll Failed to add account
(Error 0x80004005: Unspecified error)
2005-07-19 15:59:20 Error CustomActions.Dll AddPermissions failed
(Error 0x80004005: Unspecified error)
2005-07-19 15:59:20 Error CustomActions.Dll Failed to add permissions
to the database (Error 0x80004005: Unspecified error)
2005-07-19 15:59:20 Error CustomActions.Dll InstallDatabase failed
(Error 0x80004005: Unspecified error)
2005-07-19 15:59:20 Error CustomActions.Dll Failed to setup the
database (Error 0x80004005: Unspecified error)
2005-07-19 15:59:20 Error CustomActions.Dll Failed to configure the
database (Error 0x80004005: Unspecified error)
2005-07-19 15:59:20 Error CustomActions.Dll SQL command is returning
error (Error 0x80004005: Unspecified error)
2005-07-19 15:59:20 Error CustomActions.Dll ExecuteSQLCommand
returning error (Error 0x80004005: Unspecified error)
2005-07-19 15:59:20 Error CustomActions.Dll Failed to execute SQL
script (Error 0x80004005: Unspecified error)
2005-07-19 15:59:20 Error CustomActions.Dll BuildAndExecuteSQLQuery
failed (Error 0x80004005: Unspecified error)
2005-07-19 15:59:20 Error CustomActions.Dll Failed to execute remove
account SQL Script (Error 0x80004005: Unspecified error)
2005-07-19 15:59:20 Error CustomActions.Dll
RemoveLoginPermissionToAccount returning error (Error 0x80004005: Unspecified
2005-07-19 15:59:20 Error CustomActions.Dll Failed to remove account
DUEWESTLAND\WSUS Administrators (Error 0x80004005: Unspecified error)
2005-07-19 15:59:31 Error MWUSSetup MWUS Installation Failed
(Error 0x00000643: Fatal error during installation.)
2005-07-19 15:59:31 Error MWUSSetup InstallMSUS failed (Error
0x80070643: Fatal error during installation.)
2005-07-19 15:59:31 Error MWUSSetup MWUS installation failed
(Error 0x80070643: Fatal error during installation.)
2005-07-19 15:59:31 Error MWUSSetup PerformInstall failed
(Error 0x80070643: Fatal error during installation.)
2005-07-19 15:59:31 Success MWUSSetup Rolling back Installation
2005-07-19 15:59:31 Success MWUSSetup WSUS Server installation
failed. You can look at C:\Program Files\Update
Services\LogFiles\WSUSCa_050719_1552.log file to determine the cause of the
2005-07-19 16:00:24 Success MWUSSetup WMSDE Uninstall Succeeded
2005-07-19 16:00:24 Error MWUSSetup Failed to copy
Setup\UninstallHelper.exe to
C:\DOCUME~1\nwds\LOCALS~1\Temp\UninstallHelper.exe (Error 0x80070003: The
system cannot find the path specified.)
2005-07-19 16:00:24 Success MWUSSetup Insert string: %1 For more
information, see the Setup logs "%2" and "%3" .
2005-07-19 16:00:24 Success MWUSSetup szErrorType: Microsoft
Windows Server Update Services could not create the database.
2005-07-19 16:00:24 Success MWUSSetup ErrorLog: C:\Program
Files\Update Services\LogFiles\WSUSCa_050719_1552.log
2005-07-19 16:00:24 Success MWUSSetup StringObtained: Microsoft
Windows Server Update Services could not create the database. For more
information, see the Setup logs "C:\Program Files\Update
Services\LogFiles\WSUSCa_050719_1552.log" and "C:\Program Files\Update
Services\LogFiles\WSUSSetup_050719_1552.log" .
2005-07-19 16:01:06 Error MWUSSetup WSUS Setup: Performing
Install Failed. (Error 0x80070643: Fatal error during installation.)
2005-07-19 16:01:06 Error MWUSSetup WSUS Setup Failed. (Error
0x80070643: Fatal error during installation.)
Tuesday, July 19, 2005 4:51 PM by bradley
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