March 2003 - Posts


Sorry i havn't written in a while. Had lots  to learn. will post shortly.. Share this post: Email it! | bookmark it! | digg it! | reddit!
Posted by RoyOsherove | 0 Comments

ASP.NET is cool + DataGrid Designer Tips

Forget my previous rants about ASP.NET. I was plain wrong. This stuff is cool! I gave myself a little project : create a food ordering site for my company's intranet. Nothing fancy. but it should put me through all the basics: 1. Creating a data tier

Code Express - Freeware code sharing client

Code-Express released to the public! -->beta Code-Express has officially been released to the public. Code-Express is a service to help software developers go beyond their limits, and deliver a high-quality product to their clients ahead of schedule.
Posted by RoyOsherove | 2 Comments

A thought

Is XML to applications (or distributed applications) like paper is to people?? Share this post: Email it! | bookmark it! | digg it! | reddit!
Posted by RoyOsherove | 2 Comments

Hit Count

I do wonder when will we be able to see the hit count for the blog(or for each post fo that matter..) although what we have so far is cool in it's own right ;)  god speed, scott! Share this post: Email it! | bookmark it! | digg it! | reddit!
Posted by RoyOsherove | 1 Comments

ASP.NET + good news

Good news and bad news. the good news are that i got another 2 job interviews for next week. One on sunday for a small company for a position of a C# Team Leader on windows applications. The second one is next thursday (a week from now) and it is for
Posted by RoyOsherove | 0 Comments

Design Patterns in C#

The data & object factory folks have a pretty cool list of design patterns all in C#. It looks like a comprehensive list drawn from the Gang of Four book. [StronglyTyped] Cool! The actual source for each pattern is located here. Would it be naughty
Posted by RoyOsherove | 0 Comments

MSDN TV: AppSettings in ASP.NET

MSDN TV: AppSettings in ASP.NET ASP.NET provides an easy way to store common, global strings such as database connection strings. Quick Info File Name:
Posted by RoyOsherove | 0 Comments

Outlook bugs me

I find Outlook XP very annoying. Some of the Rules just don't work on arrived messages!! Most do, but some rules, especially ones applied on messages from a mailing list, just don't get moved to the specified folder. funny thing is if i click on "Run
Posted by RoyOsherove | 4 Comments

I'm a Copy Cat

Just wanted to share this : I got the idea for the name of this blog by totally copying the cool idea of using the name of an interface . I got the idea from the naming of  IUnknown. But I like the name. It pretty much sums up the
Posted by RoyOsherove | 0 Comments

HOWTO: Create an XMLSerializer from a given XML string

Well, I got some great replies on my appearently rookie question..;) .I'll post them here for others to learn from. that's what it's all about , isn't it? The Problem: Given an XML string, create an instance of the XMLSerializer class, allowing you
Posted by RoyOsherove | 1 Comments

CodeDOM is missing some stuff

Browsing through Managed space blog,  Interesting insights into the CodeDOM found here. Mainly, what it can'tdo.       Share this post: Email it! | bookmark it! | digg it! | reddit!
Posted by RoyOsherove | 0 Comments


How the hell do I initialize an XML serializer instance, given an XML string (not a file name) ? ARRGGHH I shouldnt have to Persist the XML string to a file and then read it back using an XMLReader, should I? that would be ridiculous!! This is
Posted by RoyOsherove | 4 Comments

SQL injection explained in depth

Two more nice articles posted regarding SQL injection. A bit late, but here they are: Sounds like an explanation on how .NET can mitigate it... For more background, check out Advanced SQL Injection and More Advanced SQL Injection; they're excellent.
Posted by RoyOsherove | 1 Comments

Shared Source CLI Essentials Book is out + more about specialization

According to O'Reilly the book Shared Source CLI Essentials by Stutz, Neward and Shilling is available as of today. Congratulations to David, Ted & Geoff on this major achievement! [All Things Distributed] Wow. That looks like something to sink
Posted by RoyOsherove | 0 Comments

Specialization reviewed

OK, Sorry I havn't yet responded to DataGridGirl's Post about focusing on one thing and getting really good at it. I was actually thinking about that quite a lot. She sure makes a good point: "it's a lot easier to be really good at something when you're
Posted by RoyOsherove | 1 Comments

Acceptance Test

A few new blogs I've taken a liking to: ISerializable: Roy Osherove's persistent thoughts Chris Pirillo: Getting Screwed While Everybody Else is Getting Laid SCOTUSblog: All about the Supreme Court of the United States As John would
Posted by RoyOsherove | 1 Comments

Kubi client is pretty cool

Just playing around with the Kubi Client beta for Outlook . very nice. Integrates within outlook to manage projects and tasks. kinda like PlanPlus for outlook, but different. I suggest you try it yourself. Share this post: Email it! | bookmark it!
Posted by RoyOsherove | 0 Comments

DataGrid Girl rules

The DataGrid Girl just stopped by and gave a useful peice of advice about my User Group dilemma. Thanks. I think i'll do just that. By the way - i heard you on the last .Net Rocks show! You sound even cuter then your website   - which I
Posted by RoyOsherove | 4 Comments

C# Team Chat - was i blind??

I just found through jesse ezell that chats are happening quite often with MSFT members and teams about very cool stuff. How did i miss that?  Find all chat related stuff here . the last chat he mentioned was with the C# team about the
Posted by RoyOsherove | 0 Comments

Job Interviews

<plug>1st: Yes, I am looking for a new job and we are willing to relocate to the US *hint* ;)<plug> I had 2 job interviews today and one yesterday. Yesterday was for a large corporate type company for a .Net/VB6 development role. Today
Posted by RoyOsherove | 3 Comments

Yikes! people sure have problems debugging!

OMG! The amount of referrer links i get from google on the article i pasted in regarding resolving debugeer problems is quite large! I guess the there are still a few more bugs to sort out for the Everett release... It feels great though. I feel like
Posted by RoyOsherove | 2 Comments

My own user group & INETA - the next generation

INETA finally set the link streight to register a new User Group. Great. But i'm still holding. I keep getting second thoughts.Julia Lerman Posted a nice message about how great things are going for her with the user group and what great speakers they're
Posted by RoyOsherove | 4 Comments

CommandBuilder Internals and alternatives

I spent last week developing our data management layer.  Most of my testing was done with the CommandBuilder.  Although it is a handy type, I found some limitations, so I developed our own custom model.  I wish Bill's article would
Posted by RoyOsherove | 0 Comments

Free Crystal Reports ebook

Free Crystal Reports ebookThe first Crystal Reports .NET book for programmers. * Covers ASP.NET and Windows Forms * Teaches all phases of development * Alerts you to the bugs and how to get around them * Maps out the ReportDocument object * Shows
Posted by RoyOsherove | 3 Comments

Windows CE.NET Device Emulator Samples

These Emulation Kit Projects are for use with the Microsoft® Windows® CE .NET Device Emulator. They are sample platforms, each with a custom skin to showcase some of the capabilities of Windows CE .NET.
Posted by RoyOsherove | 0 Comments


Who the hell invented 'w00t'?? it's the most stupid sounding word i have ever heard!   Share this post: Email it! | bookmark it! | digg it! | reddit!
Posted by RoyOsherove | 0 Comments

Russel Beattie Turned down an offer from MSFT

Russel Beattie Turned down an offer from MSFT to attend and influence a microsoft Mobius Conference on the claim that he is usually Anti-MSFT in life and work, but "thanks, i'm flattered". I do believe this is a grave mistake.  If you intened
Posted by RoyOsherove | 0 Comments

A letter

OK. I've decided to censor myself for once. And i hate every second of it!  but The comments ive recieved sure have a point, which ive taken into consideration.Ive written a little Story that depicts a letter that a lot of employees could write
Posted by RoyOsherove | 0 Comments

The Kool-Aid FAQ

The Kool-Aid FAQ - totally bizarre Share this post: Email it! | bookmark it! | digg it! | reddit!
Posted by RoyOsherove | 0 Comments

Writing Managed Sinks for SMTP and Transport Events

This technical article and sample event sinks assist developers in creating SMTP and Transport event sinks using Microsoft Visual Stuidio .NET and the .NET Framework.
Posted by RoyOsherove | 1 Comments

My own user group & INETA - continued

I tried all day to find the link to apply for a new user group. no luck. i finally got a call from one of the community relations liaison folks saying that they too cannot find the link. it was probably due to the site be repaved with new features
Posted by RoyOsherove | 7 Comments

Are you into YOYOing?

So i got this cool little Yoyo/Something else hybrid thingie, and it totally rocks! It's called AstroJax Share this post: Email it! | bookmark it! | digg it! | reddit!
Posted by RoyOsherove | 2 Comments

Free Goodies

The complete code for controls in Developing Microsoft ASP.NET Server Controls and Components can be downloaded from MSDN. Too bad I already wrote the DatePicker about an hour ago... this ListView control might be useful though. Lots of interesting
Posted by RoyOsherove | 0 Comments

NET Compact Framework 1.0 Redistributable

The Microsoft® .NET Compact Framework 1.0 Redistributable includes everything you need to run .NET Compact Framework applications, including the Common Language Runtime and the .NET Compact Framework class library.
Posted by RoyOsherove | 1 Comments

I want to start a .Net user group

I want to start a User group in israel for .Net stuff. There are already several groups in Israel : * IVBUG : Israeli VB User group i regularly go to this one, but it has content mainly for VB programmers, and i use C# as my main language. *IVCBUG -
Posted by RoyOsherove | 2 Comments

Sun Plans VB-Like Tools For Java

Sun Plans VB-Like Tools For Java Posted by timothy on Monday March 17, @03:51PMfrom the click-move-done dept.CokoBWare writes "Sun apparently is trying to create a more VB-like experience for developer. This article from E-Week explains Sun's strategy
Posted by RoyOsherove | 0 Comments

Empty your recycle bin to shutdown faster

The incomparable Ian Griffiths wrote on the WinTech Off Topic mailing list today: When I try to shut down, reboot, suspend, or hibernate my laptop, it sits and thrashes, often for minutes, before giving me the "Turn Off Computer" window.
Posted by RoyOsherove | 1 Comments

Campus Enterprise Architect

ScottGu's Post on the Redmond campus buildings was intriguing in a weird sort of way, wasn't it? Share this post: Email it! | bookmark it! | digg it! | reddit!
Posted by RoyOsherove | 0 Comments

Coding into the night

You all know these moments. You worked on something really hard for a serious amount of time, hacking away, discovering errors, finxing bugs, implementing pure cool stuff and then, finally, after all this time, you press "play" and it just runs. Just
Posted by RoyOsherove | 0 Comments

HREF EXEs are cool.

Now, if I build a new version and copy those files to the appropriate web server directory... bang, everyone is running the new version the next time they launch the app. No update, no need to send out a "new version" email, unless I just want to
Posted by RoyOsherove | 0 Comments

Using Memory Errors to Attack a Virtual Machine

Using Memory Errors to Attack a Virtual MachinePosted by michael on Saturday March 15, @03:03AMfrom the no-one-is-safe dept.gillus writes "A very cool scientific paper from Appel and Govindavajhala that explains how virtual machines like java or
Posted by RoyOsherove | 2 Comments

.Net Resources

Just found this Great .Net Resources link on Robert McLaws Blog. Lots 'o goodies in there! Share this post: Email it! | bookmark it! | digg it! | reddit!
Posted by RoyOsherove | 0 Comments

SQL Injection prevented using OO techniqes

Here's a nice little article about a more OO way of handling SQL injection. Share this post: Email it! | bookmark it! | digg it! | reddit!
Posted by RoyOsherove | 3 Comments

VB6 Common tasks translated to VB.Net

Found a nice little article that translates a few of the common VB6 tasks to VB.Net.   It's right here. Share this post: Email it! | bookmark it! | digg it! | reddit!
Posted by RoyOsherove | 0 Comments

Remoting Life Saver

Ive run in to trouble with my .Config file exposing types that were written with typos and such. The remoting framework will not tell you it could not load the file, unless you explicitly tell it to: just before closing the "system.runtime.remoting"
Posted by RoyOsherove | 0 Comments

Drag 'n Drop Performance Counters!

Well, this is just cool. To use a performance counter, simply open the Server Explorer (CTRL+ALT+S) and open up the Performance counters node in the tree. select the counter you would like to use and... guess what? just drag and drop it onto a form
Posted by RoyOsherove | 4 Comments

.Net Rocks Rocks!

I think i've written about this already, but i would like to stress the coolness and the sheer joy of listening to the insightful interviews that are broadcast on .Net Rocks radio show. Listen to Dan Appleman(My API Guru) , Alan Cooper(My Interaction
Posted by RoyOsherove | 0 Comments

The equivalent of a VB6 ActiveX Exe using .Net would be..?

Does anyone know how to implement a public object that can be shared among different applications? In VB6 you could just implement a public object in a module inside an ActiveX EXE and expose it's instance when needed. How do you do this in .NET?  
Posted by RoyOsherove | 0 Comments

Free GUI component for VS .NET users

Developer Express have released a cool GUI component XtraNavBar and it's completely FREE if you use VS.NET (You don't need to prove that you use it though.. :) ) It sure looks nice, don't it? Thanks, Dev Express! Get it Here: Share this post: Email
Posted by RoyOsherove | 0 Comments
Filed under ,

Helpful .Net Common tasks "Howto" page

The Big .Net Common Tasks HowTo page on DotNetJunkies is a very helpful aid to have around Share this post: Email it! | bookmark it! | digg it! | reddit!
Posted by RoyOsherove | 2 Comments

Serialization articles

Chris Sells is beginning to be ,it seems, one of my favorite .NET gurus. I seem to be checking out his site at least once a day and am tuned to any new stuff he writes there (at least on the RSS feed). Also, Ive downloaded and burned several .NET rocks
Posted by RoyOsherove | 0 Comments

System.Windows.Forms.PropertyGrid 2

Following my previous post about the PropertyGrid control that comes out of the box with VS.NET, Here's some more. The Grid is very nice, but in order to bend it to your rules you need plenty of work. I found This Article that explains everything you
Posted by RoyOsherove | 0 Comments


100 posts and counting..... Am i chatty or what?? Share this post: Email it! | bookmark it! | digg it! | reddit!
Posted by RoyOsherove | 0 Comments

System.Windows.Forms.PropertyGrid coolness

OK. maybe I'm a little slow, but has anyone else tried using the System.Windows.Forms.PropertyGrid  control ? It needs to be referenced from the "Customize toolbox" menu of the "tools" tool window. I'm impressed. Basically, it has the same functionality
Posted by RoyOsherove | 1 Comments

Article: Resolving Debugger problems

I've Added the article "Resolving Debugger Problems" to my blog. It is a document  that I got from someone a few months ago which helped me a lot with many debugging problems i encountered (Especially ASP.NET debugging) and i thought I'd Have
Posted by RoyOsherove | 2 Comments

Try this in google :)

open Google, write "French military victories" and press "I'm feeling lucky"  Share this post: Email it! | bookmark it! | digg it! | reddit!
Posted by RoyOsherove | 0 Comments

.NET show: "Tell us about yourself, because we Care(TM)"

Watching the .NET Show from MSDN brought mixed feelings. The show was about the .NET compact framework and had a nice little demo of using web services on Pocket PC apps. very nice. i was impressed. That was the good feeeling part. The MIXED feeling
Posted by RoyOsherove | 2 Comments

Compact framework resources needed

A friend asked me for reasons why he should consider creating mobile applications using compact framework. since this is not my "thing" for now, I could not give him good reasons or resources. Perhaps you can help me compile a list of bonafied resources
Posted by RoyOsherove | 4 Comments

Word 2003 CodeBehind using VS.NET sample video

Discover Visual Studio Tools for Office behind a Word document [MSFT Download center RSS feed] Damn!  me LIKE what me sees :)   Share this post:
Posted by RoyOsherove | 3 Comments

InfoPath download link (and a lawsuit waiting to happen)

Appearently you can now download InfoPath Here. However, MSFT are yet to release their own version of it ;) Share this post: Email it! | bookmark it! | digg it! | reddit!
Posted by RoyOsherove | 3 Comments

Search in RSS feeds - ROOGLE

[The FuzzyBlog] What 10 odd Hours of Hacking Can Produce: An RSS Search Engine [via FurryGoat] most excellent. this goes into my Favorites. Share this post: Email it! | bookmark it! | digg it! | reddit!
Posted by RoyOsherove | 1 Comments

Custom Attributes are goodness

Well, Iv'e been generating some code for a nice little project ive been working on, and one of the features of the product (I hope to talk about this in a future post) is that it allows plugins to generate custom trace messages to be used in a client.
Posted by RoyOsherove | 0 Comments

A cool macro to ease your NUnit boilerplate woes

Havn't checked this out myself yet, but it seems like something to write home about. Very nice macro was posted that makes NUnit boilerplate code creation faster, and i've just discovered it:   I've created a Visual Studio.NET macro for creating NUnit


  A guy walks into a bar. Guy : I need a stiff drink Bartender: How about a nice stiff shot of taquila? b: No i realy can't do taquila Bartender: Well everyone Has a bad night once in a while. Cmon i'll make you a nice shot Guy: No really.
Posted by RoyOsherove | 0 Comments

New ".NET show" episode

In this episode of "The .NET Show", we will be talking with Erik Olson and Mike Kass from the .NET Team. They will show us some of the code that was used in Microsoft's entry into the OpenHack competition.
Posted by RoyOsherove | 0 Comments

Explorer Tips and tricks for the keyboard junkie

Windows Trick o' the Day I knew this trick existed, but I couldn't remember it. If you to drill down through your directory structure all the time, this is a real time saver. In Windows Explorer, you can highlight a folder and full expand it (and it's

Intel: Open runtime os for Java/CLI on Win/Linux

Posted by timothy on Sunday March 02, @06:59PMfrom the ac-dc dept.prostoalex writes "The new issue of Intel Technology Journal has a lengthy article on a new platform, developed in Intel labs. The Open Runtime Platform: A Flexible High-Performance
Posted by RoyOsherove | 0 Comments

Extensible .NET SQL code generator

One of the cool things about Microsoft is that there's a boatload of smart people in it.  More to the point, many of those smart people are building wicked cool pieces of software that are available to you for free (and in many cases, with source
Posted by RoyOsherove | 1 Comments

When Unix Ports Attack

I've been pretty busy the last few days. My job has just let me in on a speech project that uses "periphonics" - a a tool that has been around for a while (can you say "COBOL is my friend"?) and ive been immersed in studying it's quirks. I must say
Posted by RoyOsherove | 0 Comments

NewsAggregator sample code on .NetWire

Building a Desktop News AggregatorThe author builds a C# application that retrieves and displays news feeds from various Web sites. The application utilizes XPath, XSLT, XML Schema, the DOM, and XML Serialization in the .NET Framework. [via .NETWire]
Posted by RoyOsherove | 0 Comments

C# Future features

  this was a cool read. i can't wait for VS.NET for yukon already... "C# Futures  The C# Programming Language Future Features " [via Early&Adopter] Share this post: Email it! | bookmark it! | digg it! | reddit!
Posted by RoyOsherove | 0 Comments

How do we call this technology?

OK. I'll admit there are more then enough acronyms in the tech world already, but maybe this technology needs one as well.. ? just something that one can refer to when speaking about it. someting that is easy to say and easy to undersatand... That name
Posted by RoyOsherove | 0 Comments

RSS is not mature - continued

OK. Phil scott wrote back his thoughts on this and i must say i just did not get it. I guess this whole technology is a bit overwhelming, and considering i am only involved in this in the last 2 months or so, i would guess my knowledge about how
Posted by RoyOsherove | 1 Comments

From Pingback/Trackback to automatic feed error notifiers

Ziv Caspi's Post got me thinking about how Aggeregators should handle broken feeds. Perhaps a standard needs to be created in which a broken feed's author could be notified automatically whenervr an aggregator or any other client could read
Posted by RoyOsherove | 0 Comments

Chris Anderson's new thriller

Reading Chirs's post almost made me reach for some popcorn. it reads like a thriller. C'mon. Tell us what your up to!!!! Share this post: Email it! | bookmark it! | digg it! | reddit!
Posted by RoyOsherove | 0 Comments

RSS is not mature

First: When i came to name this post, i wanted to come up with a name for the whole technology encompassing RSS, XML RPC and all that other stuff related to blogging and intraction. Is there such a term? Second: Addy Santos post makes some strong
Posted by RoyOsherove | 4 Comments

Sample chapter from "Inside Microsoft® Visual Studio® .NET 2003 "

Basically : the code modell is the macro writer's programmer heaven. and it looks pretty darn cool! "The Code Model Here's some info about the .net code module. Chapter 12: The Code Model The idea is simple—define a single API that captures the essence
Posted by RoyOsherove | 0 Comments