December 2004 - Posts

Manage many events easily with EventHandlerList

There were many little snippets and corners during Juval's class that simply made my day every time. This is one of those. What happens when you have a class that exposes many events (such as the "Button" or "Control" class that exposes "Click","Focus"

[OT] Some free time coming soon

I'm finally gonna get some more free time in the near future, so I'll be starting work on a newer version of The Regulator. Stay tuned for more. I'm listening for any cool feature requests BTW. Share this post: Email it! | bookmark it! | digg it!
Posted by RoyOsherove | 1 Comments
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Is PostXing gonna solve my blogging needs?

I'm just testing out PostXing via the recommendation of Darren. If this works, I'm thinking this is a pretty cool blogging application. It even allows you to cross-post and upload images. Except -  no spell checking? Now *that* I cannot
Posted by RoyOsherove | 4 Comments
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Next generation iteration: Array.ForEach and Delegate inference

Sriram goes through hoops trying to write a function that maps a list to a function pointer that will be called on each item of the list. Yeah, it's easier in Smalltalk, today. But here's how it looks in .Net 2.0: Person[] MyArray = new Person[]{..};
Posted by RoyOsherove | 12 Comments
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Comparing C++ unit testing frameworks

Noel Llopis writes on the TDD mailing list:   I just had to choose a unit-testing framework for a new project at work, so I went ahead and evaluated some of the major contenders for C++: CppUnit, Boost.Test, CppUnitLite, NanoCppUnit, Unit++,

My interview with Johanna Rothman goes live on ITConversations.Com

Guest host Roy Osherove speaks with Johanna about everyday problems in project management, software delivery and the hiring of technical people. They discuss interviewing strategies, and some bad examples of interviewing technique. Also: How do I improve
Posted by RoyOsherove | 1 Comments
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Truly, a ".Net Master Class"

Tomorrow is the last day in Juval Lowy's Advanced .Net maser class. We learned a lot about .Net 2.0 and best practices and concepts. By this time I can certainly say this: Having paid for this out of my own pocket, it was worth every penny.  The
Posted by RoyOsherove | 3 Comments

Do not serialize delegates and events blindly

usually, you should not serialize your class's delegates or events. This is because serialization takes he full object graph into play, and delegates by nature will serialize your subscriber list into the mix (invocation list). you can never make sure
Posted by RoyOsherove | 8 Comments
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Denying your public classes from your end customers

Here's a cool way to make sure that no one else but your application can use any of the public classes that are exposed by your business assemblies: you put a permission requirement on the class that requires the strong name of your calling assembly:
Posted by RoyOsherove | 6 Comments
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Developing as non-admin made easier with VS.Net 2005?

One of the coolest things about 2005 is that you can actually debug your application using specific "Click-Once" security permissions. Simply go into the "properties" of your project, click the "Security" tab, and set the "Enable ClickOnce security
Posted by RoyOsherove | 4 Comments
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The Regulator featured on Channel 9

Josh Ledgard pinged me to let me know that he showed The Regulator on this Channel 9 video, along with PInvoke.Net, as two samples of community built helpful applications. Coolness!   One thing to note is that Josh mentioned which is
Posted by RoyOsherove | 1 Comments
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Learning from Juval Lowy

I've been sitting in Juval Lowy's .Net master class this week (3 more days to go) and I can say a few things about Juval: He is a brilliant systems developer and architect He knows his stuff He does not like interruptions in class, so if you're uber
Posted by RoyOsherove | 2 Comments
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Not dead

No. I'm not dead. Just too busy to actually write anything. I'll have some news in the near future though. Share this post: Email it! | bookmark it! | digg it! | reddit!
Posted by RoyOsherove | 1 Comments
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Microsoft Vs. PC Technicians

Well well. Microsoft and the BSA are going after hundreds of PC technicians in Israel (Hebrew), suing them for installing illegal windows and Office software for home users for a small price. The PC technicians, in reply, say through an unnamed
Posted by RoyOsherove | 1 Comments
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A highly primitive solution for fighting .Text blog spam - an outlook script

A few days ago I opened my machine and saw that I had 348 new spam comments on my blog. Now, .Text is now smart enough to provide a link for you in the notification email that allows you to "hide" each comment via one click, but when it comes to doing
Posted by RoyOsherove | 11 Comments
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Session ideas and suggestions for Microsoft Tech-Ed 2005 and future conferences in general

I decided I want to speak at an international conference. You know, something like VSLive! or MS Tech-Ed. So, I went to the MS Tech-Ed site and submitted two session suggestions: First, a session about Test Driven Development using Visual Studio 2005
Posted by RoyOsherove | 1 Comments
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.Net Deep dive lecture videos online

Yes! You can now see the recorded lectures from the .Net deep dive event. Including my "Cool Tools" and "Test Driven Development" lectures.   (Here's the link list of the "Cool Tools" lecture..) Have fun!!! Share this post: Email it! | bookmark it!
Posted by RoyOsherove | 4 Comments
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Juval Lowey in Israel

In two days Juval Lowey is going to be in Israel, speaking at the C# user group. I suggest you make the time and get there, since this is a rare opportunity to listen to one of the world's top architects for free. Here's the email I got from Jackie Goldstein
Posted by RoyOsherove | 2 Comments
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Where should I host my interview with Johanna Rothman?

This weekend I finished editing my interview with Johanna Rothman. I think it turned out pretty cool (if I do say so myself) and Johanna is a great interviewee. I was thinking were should I host this interview, and immediately though of two options:
Posted by RoyOsherove | 3 Comments
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What I look like (kinda)

  This is kinda what I looked like at the .Net deep dive event. Kinda. (Done via the South park Create-a-character page, via Peter Provost)   P.S Flickr rocks! Looks like I'll be storing my photos there for the near future... Share this post:
Posted by RoyOsherove | 0 Comments
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I changed my mind - Mock objects are wrong for database unit testing

More than a year ago I wrote about the problems in database testing. I also stated that I feel it's totally wrong to run your unit tests against a live test database, but instead you should be using mock objects to save you from all the trouble. Boy have
Posted by RoyOsherove | 8 Comments
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Godwin's Law

I have to say that a discussion about unit testing is the last place I expected this to show up (right after someone mentioned the term "programmer Nazis":   "Godwin's Law States:"As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison
Posted by RoyOsherove | 0 Comments
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More free cool components from SharpTools

"Hi Roy,   Writing as a followup to your blog about our freeware developer tools in October - thanks for spreading the word about us!  We've done almost 100 freeware developer downloads a day since then, btw, and are glad to think a lot of others
Posted by RoyOsherove | 0 Comments
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Chatting with Johanna Rothman

I just finished a wonderful meeting with non other than Johanna Rothman, one of my favorite blog authors, who just happens to be in Israel this week. We talked for about two hours on topics relating to project management, development scheduling and interviewing

Small but useful SQL tips from SQLJunkies

Here's a nice set of small but might-be-useful-someday SQL tips   [via Bersileus] Share this post: Email it! | bookmark it! | digg it! | reddit!

MSF is a fraud? A response

Joel writes some stuff in Hebrew and asks the readers to help him translate them. In the translation post, (which is a good read) joel posts about what he feels the process should be like when he reports a bug in the software: For example, if I assign
Posted by RoyOsherove | 8 Comments
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Mockpp - Mock Objects for C++

Yeah, I know that what I quoted the other day about C++ is not entirely correct. You do have a mock object framework for C++. Here's a part of the documentation for Mockpp:   "But let me warn you If you take the wrong macro or maybe just have a
Posted by RoyOsherove | 2 Comments
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Blogger dinner with Johanna Rothman - Rescheduled

There isn't going to be a blogger dinner this Tuesday with Johanna Rothman, since it turns out it's the first candle of Hanukkah here in Israel, so most people will want to celebrate it with their families. Is anyone interested in meeting the day after?
Posted by RoyOsherove | 0 Comments
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Extending NUnit *easily* with version 2.2.1 (finally!)

I finally got some time so I sat down with the latest version of NUnit - 2.2.1 and tried using its extensibility features like the ability to create new custom test attributes that change test behavior, hopefully ridding myself of more complex projects

The Self Project - YAPP (Yet Another Programming Paradigm?)

The Self project seems like a very ambitious idea. Check out this movie to get a nice overview of some of the things this new programming paradigm attempts to achieve. Am I wrong or is this whole thing based on SmallTalk? [via James Robertson] Share this
Posted by RoyOsherove | 0 Comments
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Army Platoon gets an X Box + 30 games, courtesy of MS

Wow. This is a cool thing to do.   [via Bill Evjen] Share this post: Email it! | bookmark it! | digg it! | reddit!
Posted by RoyOsherove | 0 Comments
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Oracle: Don't hate it just because you don't get it, get it?

I found this somewhat amusing: Alex announces he's adding himself to the "I-Hate-Oracle Club" to which there is a reply in the comments:   "if you can't figure the damn thing out, this is no reason to hate it. take women for instance, you don't hate
Posted by RoyOsherove | 9 Comments
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The Gaming industry turns out to be a modern slave market

Reading this makes me glad not to be working in the Gaming software industry. Sure, I've done my share of overtime at startups and such, but no, it was never this bad. Even when it was bad it was never like this.  Also note that there are over 3000
Posted by RoyOsherove | 6 Comments
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More cool tools, and a cool Add-in for C++

Lots of cool tools in this nice blog post. I am reminded again of the chalkTalk application by Billy Hollis which is cool for presentations.   Another cool tool I discovered is Visual Assist-X which works for all versions of C++ on Visual Studio
Posted by RoyOsherove | 2 Comments
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The Regulator sucks for Non-Admins

Don is right. The Regulator will mostly be unusable to you if you work as a non-admin. Here's what I wrote as a comment to his post:   This issue is something I've been looking into for quite a while but, most sincerely, I've never been too motivated
Posted by RoyOsherove | 8 Comments
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This Tuesday is Israel Geek Dinner Day with Johanna Rothman

Don't forget that Tuesday the 7th of this month is Geek Dinner day with Johanna Rothman! make time around 7-30 pm somewhere in the tel-Aviv area. Probably near the "dolfinarium" somewhere because it's close to her hotel. In any case, be prepared!! Share
Posted by RoyOsherove | 0 Comments
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Nice Agile blog

I came upon this weblog via TestDriven.Net. After sifting through the posts a bit I added it to my RSS subscription list. Recommended. It's a definite "Agile development" themed blog, and has a lot of experience and real life lessons to learn from. I
Posted by RoyOsherove | 0 Comments
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Test Driven Development proves useful at Google

This is a live blogging session from the recent Developer Testing Conference. The lecture was about Developer Testing in Google and this is only part of it: "9:28 Standard Google practices include unit tests and functional tests, continuous builds,
Posted by RoyOsherove | 1 Comments
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TestDriven.Net Referrals view - in SVG format

Wow. Jamie has added a cool new feature to the TestDriven.Net site. You can now see the list of referrals you sent in by links. It looks a little something like this: I found out after getting an email from the site that I was added to the "Referrers"
Posted by RoyOsherove | 0 Comments
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Test Driven Development with C++: Much harder than it should be

(BTW: Does anyone have any knowledge of the C++ testing frameworks listed here at the bottom of the page? Got any favorite?) One of the things I'm doing right now in Magen is helping a company that uses hard core C++ for various networking and conferencing
Posted by RoyOsherove | 9 Comments
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MSN Spaces Launches, and so does a new MSN Messenger beta

As I'm sure you'll see 1000 times in the next 24 hours, MSN Spaces has launched (as has a new beta of MSN Messenger). Dare has some more details, as well as a link to the press release here.[via FurryGoat]   I already opened a test blog on there,
Posted by RoyOsherove | 5 Comments
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Some real world unit testing techniques for ASP.Net with Cassini

Scott Hanselman writes This fine blog post about how they do real-world unit testing for their ASP.Net applications using the cassini web server. Not being an web developer myself this is a great resource to learn from. Scott does a fine job of exposing
Posted by RoyOsherove | 0 Comments

Israel .Net Deep Dive lectures feedback

If you attended the .Net Deep Dive event in Israel you might have noticed something - Microsoft didn't really ask you what you thought about the quality of the lectures. As one of the people who actually spoke at the event that pretty much sucks, cause
Posted by RoyOsherove | 0 Comments
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IVBUG meeting today: SQL Server 2005 Features for developers

There's an IVBUG meeting today. Should be fun!:   Next Meeting: Wednesday December 1, 2004   17:30 - 18:00   Assembly18:00 - 18:10    Introduction and Birthday Greetings18:10 - 19:30    “New Features
Posted by RoyOsherove | 0 Comments

The Incredibles

Wow! Go see it. Share this post: Email it! | bookmark it! | digg it! | reddit!
Posted by RoyOsherove | 3 Comments
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