October 2005 - Posts

FinalBuilder is approaching version 4, and still the coolest build tool out there

If you haven't heard of FinalBuilder yet, there's no better time than now. Especially with Microsoft's new "If you want a build process, you'll wanna get VSTS" way of doing things. In short, it the most usable and powerful Build engine and process configuration
Posted by RoyOsherove | 4 Comments
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A little DotNetWebloggers uproar

Update: Alex Lowe of Telligent posts the following in response: "I've created a forum that will make it easy for us (Telligent) to share information and solicit feedback from the bloggers here at weblogs.asp.net. However, I need you to send me your username
Posted by RoyOsherove | 4 Comments
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My blog is not worthless after all

Just so you know:   My blog is worth $88,068.24.How much is your blog worth? Share this post: Email it! | bookmark it! | digg it! | reddit!
Posted by RoyOsherove | 2 Comments
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Automating the reinvention of the wheel

John posts a macro how to automate creating connection strings in visual studio .NET, and demonstrates a few key points (which have nothing to do with him probably being a great guy, good blogger etc..)   1. The blog space keep reinventing things,
Posted by RoyOsherove | 6 Comments
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Amazoner 1.0.1 - Larger Images for Books and a dedicated website

A new version of Amazoner is out. Not many changes, but the main thing is that the book images are now bigger, oh and it's compiled using Visual Studio 2005 RTM out 2 days ago (relies on .NET 2.0 final). I Created a dedicated Site for this tool, from
Posted by RoyOsherove | 2 Comments
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Strongly Typed Reflection Calls in .NET 2.0

Oren Eini is trying to cheat Reflection, that is, create his own, "strongly typed" version of reflection, and what he's done so far seems like a very cool and nice workaround:   " I don't like strings and Reflection. In fact, you could say that I
Posted by RoyOsherove | 1 Comments
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Representing void methods with generic delegates

Generics are cool. Learn about them. I want to talk about a specific query that I had which right now I can only guess the answer. To begin, here's the scenario. You can create a Generic Delegate to point to a method you want to execute. For example this
Posted by RoyOsherove | 0 Comments
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Reminder: My Architects talk is today (GAT and LINQ)

Don't forget. Today is my .NET architect's talk about Guidance Automation Toolkit and LINQ Preview. More details here.   I'll be giving away a book from the MSCD training kit, especially for the architect's group: MCSD Self-Paced Training Kit: Analyzing
Posted by RoyOsherove | 0 Comments
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Nice Guidance Automation kit hands on lab from TechEd (with a fix for a build problem it contains)

There's a nice guidance automation hands-on-lab available from teched, created by Daniel Cszzulino. Unfortunlately, if you tried to compile the source from the download on a VS 2005 Beta 2 or later without VSIP installed(which you don't really need),

More popups?

The popups still keep on coming, so I've removed the google ads. If you still see popups, let me know. If you don't, but you used to, let me know to. Share this post: Email it! | bookmark it! | digg it! | reddit!
Posted by RoyOsherove | 7 Comments
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Annoying pop up on this blog? No more, I hope.

I seem to have inadvertently let in a pop up ad into this blog through one of the amazon or google ads. This was unintentional and I'm freaked out that I haven't noticed it. I still haven't, but I've gotten 3 emails today about this so I went ahead and
Posted by RoyOsherove | 13 Comments
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Early experiences from .NET 2.0 Winforms

One of the reasons I wrote this little application is to get to know the .NET 2.0 Winforms API a little better. Here are some of the things I have on my mind after playing with it for a while:   Data Binding The Data Binding Story in .NET 2.0 winforms
Posted by RoyOsherove | 8 Comments
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Introducing Amazoner: Create Amazon Associate Links with ease

Update (30/10/2005) There's a new version of this tool available. This tool also has a dedicated site from now on. For the latest version downloads and information, go to this URL: http://amazoner.osherove.com/ Thanks, Roy. A while ago I posted about
Posted by RoyOsherove | 8 Comments
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My Agile talk at Ireland Devs group finally has permanent links

A while ago I present at the Ireland .NET Developers user group on an intro to Agile development and on Unit Testing best practices. The links kind of disappeared from that site for a bit, but now I have direct links for you:   Agile part 1 - feel
Posted by RoyOsherove | 5 Comments
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A better command line parsing class

Mike has recently recommended a command line parser library for .NET called Param.NET. Personally, I don't think this sort of thing should be driven (as is param.net) by a configuration file. In fact, custom attributes could be put to some great use here.
Posted by RoyOsherove | 0 Comments
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When LINQ and Yukon meet

I think the award for "coolest upcoming technology preview" for this year's PDC has to go to the LINQ stuff. That's "Language Integrated Query" if you haven't heard this yet. If I had to sum up the idea behind LINQ in a sentence it would probably go something
Posted by RoyOsherove | 4 Comments
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Wanna be a Microsoft Israel Presenter?

Microsoft Israel is looking for "star quality" presenters on Microsoft content. Basically, if you can muster up a 15 min. technical presentation in front of some of Microsoft's finest in Israel and are found to have what it takes, you'll be invited to
Posted by RoyOsherove | 2 Comments
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The new MS 4000 keyboard and a ThinkPad go great together

I just got the new keyboard from Microsoft - the ergo 4000, and it's pretty cool. The coolest feature for me, forgetting the shortcut keys and all that, is the fact that the keyboard is high enough in the air to actually fit on top of my ThinkPad T41's
Posted by RoyOsherove | 11 Comments
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Good architecture content from Udi Dahan

Udi Dahan, a Solution Architect MVP and a friend, has been writing some good stuff on his weblog lately. Unfortunately, he hasn't been able to attend the MVP summit, so I though I'd direct your attention to his writings about, since he does have plenty
Posted by RoyOsherove | 1 Comments
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Come to my .NET Architects talk this month: Guidance Automation Tookit and LINQ preview

I'll be doing the next talk at the Israeli .NET Architects user group this month, at the 27/10. Here's a summary of the talk. Should be interesting! (see the link for location details) This month, we will focus on 2 very interesting toolkits and technologies.
Posted by RoyOsherove | 0 Comments
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Two small irrelevant tips

  This is something I didn't find out until a few days ago. What happens when you search for "new York weather" on google? Find out.   How do you get rid of the annoying irritating useless "personal tabs" in MSN Messenger? It seems like MS does
Posted by RoyOsherove | 3 Comments
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