Scott W. Ambler's Home Page

I currently work with IBM as Practice Leader Agile Development within the IBM Methods group (my email addresses are found here).  I am Canadian and still live in Canada although I spend a large portion of my time consulting in the United States and Europe.  I have worked in the IT industry since the mid 1980s and with object technology since the early 1990s. I have written several books and white papers on object-oriented software development, software process, Agile Model Driven Development (AMDD), Agile Database Techniques, the Agile UP, and the Enterprise Unified Process (EUP) (TM).  I am a speaker at a wide variety of conferences world wide and am often asked to deliver conference keynote speeches as well as give internal presentations at organizations.  I write columns and/or articles for several publications.  I maintain, and am active on, several mailing lists.

My hobbies include writing, cycling, karate, and Tai Chi and I have several technical interests as well.  I am a Fellow of the International Association of Software Architects.  I am also an Eclipse Process Framework (EPF) committer and a Jolt Judge.

My other pictures are posted here.

Overtaxed, but still proud to be Canadian



My work email is .  If you are contacting me about work-related issues, please use this ID.

If you wish to contact me with a technical question, feel free to send an email to me at .  Due to the prevalence of viruses which spoof email addresses I would appreciate if you would refrain from including my email addresses in your address book unless you both absolutely need them AND you're running adequate virus protection.  Thank you very much for respecting this request.


My Columns/Articles

I am a Senior Contributing Editor with

and I also write for

In the past I wrote for Software Development, but as of the June 2006 issue it has been combined with Dr. Dobb's.  The best place to get a full listing of my writings is here


Mailing Lists

Depending on your interests you may find some of my lists to be of interest:


Professional Interests

My professional interests focus on:


 Agile Modeling (AM)


Agile Unified Process (AUP)


Enterprise Unified Process (EUP)

In the Autumn of 1999, I initially proposed a new instantiation of the Unified Process within the pages of Software Development that eventually evolved into the EUP.  You can read about it at the Enterprise Unified Process (EUP) site and in The Enterprise Unified Process: Extending the Rational Unified Process .  Also, I am active on the Enterprise Unified Process (EUP) mailing list.

I often work with organizations that need honest and unbiased help to tailor the Rational Unified Process (RUP) to meet their real-world needs.  I invite you to contact me if you're struggling with implementing a new software process within your organization. 


Evolutionary/Agile Data Techniques

I have helped clients adopt evolutionary and/or agile techniques for doing data-oriented activities.  I've written about these techniques in Refactoring Databases, The Object Primer 3/e, and the award winning Agile Database Techniques.  I am the lead instructor of the Agile Database Techniques workshop and I am active on the Agile Databases mailing list.


Speaking Engagements

Since the mid-1990s I have presented at a wide range of technical conferences in around the world at which I have delivered keynotes, tutorials, workshops, and presentations. This includes:

I also deliver in-house training workshops as well. 


Other Pictures

Sadly I'm not the most photogenic person.  If I've sent you to this page to pick up a photo of me for a brochure then please choose from any on this page.  I've posted several pictures in order of my preference immediately below.  The first two were taken at Machu Picchu in January 2004, I was in the first group to get on the Andes trail that year.  The third picture was taken in New Zealand just outside of Queenstown on the south island in the Spring of 2003.



Master of Information Science (MIS)
September 1990 - April 1994
University of Toronto
HCI-related thesis, Object-Oriented Methods

Computer Science Specialist (BSc), Commerce Major (BSc)
September 1985 - May 1989
University of Toronto
Graduated with honours

Interesting things I’ve done during the last few years:

Jolt Judge

Software Development Methods that I am the Practice Leader of:


Things I believe in:

I Support the Agile Alliance.

I am an EPF committer.


Copyright © 1997-2006 Scott W. Ambler

Last updated: November 4, 2006
||  Agile Data (AD)  |  Agile Modeling (AM)  |  Agile Unified Process (AUP)  |  Enterprise Unified Process (EUP)  ||

My Canada