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Exchange 2007 beta documentation now available on the Microsoft Exchange Server TechCenter!

Hi, this is Kevin Allison, and I lead the User Education group within the Microsoft Exchange product organization.  I am pleased to announce that the beta documentation for Exchange 2007 has just been posted to the Microsoft Exchange Server TechCenter! http://www.microsoft.com/technet/prodtechnol/exchange/E2k7Help
As Microsoft prepares to release Exchange 2007 Beta 2 for your testing, you may now begin reviewing the beta of the documentation set.  You may notice a significant number of changes from our Exchange 2003 docs.  This is a direct result of work done based upon your feedback.  My goal is to make the documentation and other Exchange-related content as useful as possible to help you be successful with Exchange.  As with other content we publish to the Exchange TechCenter, you can readily rate and comment on specific portions of the documentation.  We will be publishing updates to the content through release - usually about every six weeks - and beyond.
Going forward we will provide regular updates on the changes we are making to improve the Exchange content story.  Please take a look at the beta docs and let us know what you think.

- Kevin Allison

Published Wednesday, June 28, 2006 1:32 PM by Exchange
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Frank Carius said:

I'ld recommend to post a "downloadble" Version somewhere. maybe as DOC-File, CHM or whatever.

June 28, 2006 2:26 PM

Mike Hoerner said:

I concur with Greg as it would be nice to print these guides for after hours reading at home.
June 28, 2006 2:50 PM

Fred said:

I also concur with Greg and Mike.
June 28, 2006 9:17 PM

Kristofer said:

I concur with everybody else. Need an offline copy of the documentation. Printing one page at a time doesn't sound too fun.
June 29, 2006 3:28 AM

Rob said:

I wouldn't get too excited about these docs just yet.  There is still way too much info missing.  Snuggling up on the couch with a stack of paper that full of place holder will be a lunch-box-let-down.

Procedure.  <Insert text here>
1. Step 1

2. Step 2

June 29, 2006 7:41 AM

Christian Schindler said:

A compiled Version of the documentation is now available:


June 30, 2006 10:43 AM

Kevin Allison said:

June 30, 2006 4:01 PM

Kevin Allison said:

Just as a follow-up to the other question, all core technical content will be posted to the Exchange 2007 Technical Library on Technet, will be available in the CHM (help file on the DVD), and for certain conceptual material we will be making printable "guides" available for download.

The CHM will be on the DVD and accessible via download off the download center at the link I posted above.  It will containt all of the content and will be updated every 6 weeks or so.

The printable guides will be built off of the conceptual material already posted to TechNet and in the CHM.  The first of these will show up around RTM and our plan is to initially release planning/deploymnet guides for specific customers scenarios, such as migrating from E2K3 to E2K7.  We will let the community know as these are available.
June 30, 2006 4:08 PM

Lindley said:

I just reviewed the CHM documentation, and one thing I would definitely suggest to the Exchange Team are DIAGRAMS.  Pictures is worth...you know the rest.  Break down various digrams based on roles, architecture, permissions, Active Directory preparation, server communications, HA/Failover components, upgrades, etc.  I think all these architectural components and features would do wonder if to "picture knowledge."
July 3, 2006 1:19 AM

What do you think?



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