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Unified Communications. Come to a User group meeting

The Unified Communications User group is having 2 meetings in the UK in July.  Register for the event in Reading on the 18th July here and the event in London on 20th July here..The pub (after the Meeting  - not during!) will

Outlook Web Access - right from the Start..

Steve asked a question at our last Technet roadshow concerning OWA, and whilst looking around for the answer, I realised that we don't have all of the documentation for OWA in one place (Exchange team take note!).  Steve wanted a step by step guide

EXchange 2003 and 2007 Documentation

Well I know that this is shamlessly pinched from Blake (who has done all of the hard work on this), but here's a collection of all of the new resource guides that we've released recently for Exchange 2003.  And if you're wondering... All of the

Checking for compliance

We talk a lot about compliance at Microsoft,  We throw acronyms at you like SOX, and HIPAA and expect you to nod knowledgeably about how your company is complying with the compliance regulations.  But you may not be.  You may not be all

Starting the new year with a clean Outlook

It's the end of our financial year today, we're starting FY07 tomorrow, and I'm tidying out my mailbox.  I do this every year, to keep myself in some sort of structure, although my Inbox gets a bit chaotic for the first couple of weeks

Moving towards truly Unified Communications

***edited with working link*** I had to miss the live streaming show from San Francisco last night as I had to sit  on an online Chat between the IT Evangelists and the UK MVPs.  My participation in the chat kept me too busy to truly multi

Customising Quota messages in Exchange 2003

There have been loads of questions about customising that message that gets sent out automatically when you reach your quota in Exchange, so we've released a tool that allows you to do just that.  You need to download and install the tool onto your

Exchange questions from the TechNet tour

We're at Bristol at the final leg of the roadshow, and the final time for a couple of weeks that I'll be demoing the Unified messaging demo (apart from amazing my non technical friends with the demo of a voice controlled interactive email

Live messenger 8.0 available to download

I blogged about the Live Messenger beta availability a couple of months ago, and I'm amazed at how many people still refer to this as MSN messenger 8.0!  We're obviously not doing our marketing to the right audience if most of my referrals to the

Office Webcasts for July

Microsoft Office System Webcast: Be One of the First to See Tips and Tricks for the 2007 Office Release (Level 200)Tuesday, July 18, 2006 - 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM Pacific TimeStephanie Krieger, Author and Document Production Expert, arouet.netJoin us as noted

Messaging Webcasts for July

TechNet Webcast: Exchange Server 2003 Tips, Tricks, and Tools (Level 300)Friday, July 07, 2006 - 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM Pacific TimeChris Avis, TechNet presenter, Microsoft CorporationThis webcast introduces you to some of the new tools that are available

Exchange - going small or large?

A lot of the questions I get when I'm out at the roadshow are about Exchange and what Exchange 2007 can do for organisations. I get questions asking how the Unified Messaging System really works behind the scenes, and whether we have

Active sync, Windows mobile and certificates

Brett, (he of the interesting blog on Exchange) came up with some excellent resources on active sync the other day in an email that I thought I'd pass them around.  I get asked about these regularly and have blogged about similar resources before

Exchange 2003 synchronisation with Outlook 2003

You know, sometimes I'm really glad that I'm not an Exchange admin any more.  Sometimes life is just too hard... I got a mail from Paul with this challenge: We have a user that is at the end of a slow link in Africa. We continually have problems

64 bit Exchange really does rock!

Tour date 3 of the TechNet roadshow and we were in Manchester.  I was expecting to sail through the session, and all of the demos, and hoping that the UM demo went off without a hitch.  I mean, it wasn't as if it was the first time
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