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  • Brain-Dump for February

    Here are some random links to sites, tools and other things going on in my life right now: Windows Workflow Foundation beta 2 released!  I'm still finishing some prototyping with the WWF v1.2 and Office 12 beta1 I received after PDC05, but I'm very excited to see this updated release.   Time to retry my Activities and see
    Posted to Lance's Whiteboard (Weblog) by CodeSniper on February 25, 2006
  • PDC05: Windows Internals Pre-Con (#1)

    David Soloman and Mark Russinovich did an excellent job tailoring their typically infrastructure-oriented Windows Internals course to fit us PDC attendees. My head is still swimming, but now I feel like I at least have a baseline grasp of the terminology and tools for delving into topics ranging from processes, threads, memory allocations, ...
    Posted to Lance's Whiteboard (Weblog) by CodeSniper on September 12, 2005
  • IndieGameDev Blog

    I just discovered the ''IndieGameDev'' blog on  Being a frequent indie-game developer wannabe, I dig the concept of this blog and love the cool retro icons! After spelunking its posting archives, I'm quite impressed with the vast amount of information available.  Many genre, programming languages, and topics are covered with ...
    Posted to Lance's Whiteboard (Weblog) by CodeSniper on July 2, 2005
  • My newsgroup posts

    This is a placeholder mostly for my self, to easily find newsgroup posts I have made, or replied to.  Consider this like Blog #2.  Lance @ Google Groups (usenet mostly)
    Posted to Lance's Whiteboard (Weblog) by CodeSniper on March 31, 2005
  • Krzysztof Cwalina: Design Guideline Digest

    Two of my favorite Microsoft blogs to read are Brad Abrams and Krzysztof Cwalina.  Recently, Krzysztof posted a summary of the MSDN API Design Guidelines.  This is an excellent resource for anyone looking to create a set of coding standards for their project, group, company, or merely wanting a concise reference to the extremely thorough
    Posted to Lance's Whiteboard (Weblog) by CodeSniper on October 4, 2004
  • CSS, Blogging, and WinForms...

    After spending some time updating the UI for this blog, I have renewed my love for Cascading Syle Sheets(CSS).   I havent done much ASP.NET in a while, so my DHTML and CSS skills have waned over the past two years.   Since this .TEXT weblog engine doesnt support uploadable skins, I decided to use the very powerful features ...
    Posted to Lance's Whiteboard (Weblog) by CodeSniper on May 17, 2004
  • Another MS PM Blog...

    I recently started reading Srinath Vasireddy's blog after seeing him respond a few times on a GDN messageboard. As with many of the Microsoft P&P Program Managers, his blog resembles much of the content he produces, but in this case, its a good thing. Especially if you are working on Performance analysis or Load testing in Windows and .NET. ...
    Posted to Lance's Whiteboard (Weblog) by CodeSniper on January 5, 2004
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