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  • The future of development on Microsoft servers

    There's a question about the future floating around a private ASPInsiders list, I thought I'd post my response publicly and invite everyone to share their own thoughts. It's not often I can write about SharePoint, ASP.Net, and Lazy Programming all at once.   Question: I was wondering what the next big paradigm shift is going to be as far ...
    Posted to Eli Robillard's World of Blog. (Weblog) by erobillard on June 12, 2006
  • CodeSmith 3.0

    ASPInsider Eric J. Smith has kept busy over the past several months working on a major upgrade to his CodeSmith toolset and released version 3.0 on May 16. While you'll be happy to learn that version 2.6 will continue to be available for free, both versions of 3.0 (Standard and Professional) are now paid products. I think this is a great move ...
    Posted to Eli Robillard's World of Blog. (Weblog) by erobillard on May 31, 2005
  • MSF 4 Beta

    Yay, I've been waiting for this one... MSF for Agile Software Development is a scenario-driven, context-based, agile software development process that utilizes many of the ideas embodied in Team System. MSF for Agile Software Development Download Like the earlier release, it's beautiful and easily navigable. My main wish at this point would be to ...
    Posted to Eli Robillard's World of Blog. (Weblog) by erobillard on February 23, 2005
  • How Microsoft Builds Software

    How does Microsoft develop software? This is a first attempt at pulling the public resources together. There is an excellent paper called ''How Microsoft Builds Software'' by Cusumano and Selby, though it requires a paid account on the ACM portal. Resources based on the article are provided below in PowerPoint and Acrobat formats. The ...
    Posted to Eli Robillard's World of Blog. (Weblog) by erobillard on November 17, 2004
  • Exception Handling: Reloading the page that bit ya

    An interesting question came through today regarding an article I did about custom error pages: Is there a way to handle errors in a global sense and not have to re-direct to an error page?  I'd like the exception information to be caught at either the page or application level and to keep the user on the same web page with an error message ...
    Posted to Eli Robillard's World of Blog. (Weblog) by erobillard on October 29, 2004
  • CodeSmith Updated (Spread the Word)

    CodeSmith is one of the best apps to happen to development and it's been updated to version 2.6. The update mainly contains improvments to CodeSmith Studio (a VS-style IDE for developing templates); for those of you (us?) who rely mainly on the free CodeSmith Explorer it contains a number of minor fixes to make it a worthwhile install. One ...
    Posted to Eli Robillard's World of Blog. (Weblog) by erobillard on September 30, 2004
  • Software development -- Engineering or Art

    “Both views of the world resonate with me and I can clearly see how they are both right.   I have spent sometime recently thinking about this in more depth, and I think I know how to rationalize their views, but I’d like to get your take… Is software development a discipline of engineering or a discipline of ...
    Posted to Eli Robillard's World of Blog. (Weblog) by erobillard on April 16, 2004
  • MSDN Article: One Site, Many Faces

    Today is a milestone of sorts, my first article is now live on the MSDN Developer Center! I'm happy with it for a few reasons. First, the topic is thoroughly lazy -- how to build a content management system that can serve up pages based on the extension thrown at it. Want to serve .rtf, .txt, or .rss files that users can save without frigging ...
    Posted to Eli Robillard's World of Blog. (Weblog) by erobillard on January 9, 2004
  • The Lazy Programmer

    ''If you have a difficult task, give it to a lazy person - they will find an easier way to do it.'' -Hlade's Law Whenever I am asked why something should be done ''a certain way,'' the answer at the front of my mind usually begins, ''Laziness. This is the easiest way.'' Then I spend a minute recomposing the answer in terms of ''efficiency'' or ...
    Posted to Eli Robillard's World of Blog. (Weblog) by erobillard on March 14, 2003
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