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Stories from Asimov's have won 41 Hugos and 24 Nebula Awards, and our editors have received 18 Hugo Awards for Best Editor.

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Hugo Award Nominees

Best Novella
Connie Willis: Inside Job
Ian McDonald: The Little Goddess

Best Short Story
David D. Levine: Tk'tk'tk
Mike Resnick: Down Memory Lane


Isaac Asimov: Poetry
Isaac Asimov: Moonshine
Sheila Williams: 2005 Dell Magazines Award
Robert Silverberg: A Postage Stamp for Isaac
Robert Silverberg: Reflections: The Thumb on the Dinosaur's Nose
Anthony Ha: Orbiting
Charley Parker: Dinosaur Cartoons
August Issue


Sheila Williams: Editorial: The Yellow Pill–– or, Altered Perceptions
Sheila Williams: Editorial: Coming Of Age
Sheila Williams: Editorial: Science Fiction Sudoku
Sheila Williams: Editorial: Alternate History
Sheila Williams: Editorial: Interaction
Sheila Williams: Editorial: Writing Workshops
Sheila Williams: Editorial: Behind the Scenes
Sheila Williams: Editorial: Generations
Sheila Williams: Editorial: 2005 Readers' Award

Sheila Williams: Editorial: The 2005 Dell Magazines Award
Sheila Williams: Editorial: Robotics
Sheila Williams: Editorial

On the Nets

James Patrick Kelly: On The Net: Mastery
James Patrick Kelly: Breathing the Blogosphere
James Patrick Kelly: On The Net: Bring on the Digital Hugos
James Patrick Kelly: On the Net: Adventures in Podcasting
James Patrick Kelly: On the Net: Son of Movies

Thought Experiments

Roger Ebert: Thought Experiments: How Propeller-Heads, BNFs, Sercon Geeks, Newbies, Recovering GAFIAtors, and Kids in the Basements Invented the World Wide Web, All Except for the Delivery System
Therese Littleton: Thought Experiments:The Robots We Want
Therese Littleton: Thought Experiments: Invasion of the Vinyl Space Monkeys
Cory Doctorow: Thought Experiments: When the Singularity is no Longer A Literary Device
Rudy Rucker: Thought Experiments: Adventures in Gnarly Computation
Brooks Peck: Thought Experiments: Cyberpunk is Alive and Well and Living In- Where Else?- Japan
Joe Lazzaro: Thought Experiments: More Than Halfway To Anywhere
Brian Bieniowski: Thought Experiments: A Possible Planet: SF & Electronic Music
(Click here to access the companion podcast to Brian Bieniowski’s ”A Possible Planet: SF & Electronic Music,” featuring the music of many artists mentioned in the article.)
Therese Littleton: Thought Experiments: Preserving the History of the Future


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Asimov's History

Contributors over the past twenty years
Twenty Years of Hugos, Nebulas and other awards
A History of Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine
Dell Magazines Award for Undergraduate Excellence in SF and Fantasy Writing
2003 Story Index
Isaac Asimov Memorial Panel Debates
Current Issue
Check out On The Net: Singular for Jim Kelly’s review of Ray Kurzweil's site, http://www.kurzweilai.net/ .
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The Plurality of Worlds by Brian Stableford

Brian Stableford’s recent novels include The Wayward Muse (Black Coat Press) and Streaking (PS Publishing). Black Coat Press has also published his translation of Paul Féval’s Salem Street, one of the pioneering series of crime novels after which the press is named. His four hundred and sixty thousand-word reference book, Science Fact and Fiction: An Encyclopedia, will be out from Routledge in September. In his sumptuous cover story, he bids us bon voyage on our journey through the ether and into the age-old debate over . . .

The ethership stood on the launch platform at Greenwich, ready to blast off. The cabin set atop the massive rocket appeared tiny when viewed from the ground; the ladder by which the intrepid voyagers would reach it seemed exceedingly fragile.

Thomas Digges, the captain of the vessel’s five-man crew, stood on the street at the edge of the platform in company with its principal architect, John Dee, and the Archbishop of Canterbury, John Foxe. Thomas was not looking up but looking down at the cobblestones. They had been scoured and swept in the early hours; he had never seen a city thoroughfare less likely to offend his boots.

A Woman's Liberation

A Woman's Liberation
A Woman's Liberation is a powerful collection of stories by acclaimed best-selling female writers who have changed the nature of visionary fiction. Originally published in Asimov's and Analog magazines, these classic stories have garnered numerous literary awards and span every style and theme in speculative fiction. From centuries of repression to private moments of triumph, from a plague of silence to an era that curses menstruation, these stirring tales explore the complexities of imagination and the boundless scope of the human experience.

Buy it at Amazon.com!
For other anthologies click here.

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