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December 2005 - Posts

Windows CE - Telnet/Remote Shell

I'd be interested in your feedback on the following question... Windows CE supports a Telnet server (SYSGEN_TELNETD) which can be password protected, the only problem with Telnet is that the username and password are sent as clear text, so Telnet isn't
posted by mikehall | 8 Comments
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VS2005 - Hey where are my Remote Tools ?

If you've been using eMbedded Visual C++ 4.0 or Platform Builder to write/test applications then you've probably been using some of the Remote Tools (File Viewer, Heap Walker [always reminds me of Star Wars!], Process Viewer etc...) - You could find these

What tutorials do you want to see ?

After posting a couple of tutorials recently (Visual Studio 2005 and Windows CE 5.0 [managed and native]) and building a headless device with HTTP Web Server there have been a couple of requests for additonal tutorials, these are... Windows CE Headless

January 2006, WE-DIG, Date/Content - Build an ARM Emulator in an hour!

Note that January's WE-DIG meeting has moved to the SECOND Wednesday of the month (January 11th) - this is because most of the "Diggers" will be at CES in Las Vegas (I'm hoping that this January isn't going to be as cold as last year!) Here's The

Windows CE 5.0 - Headless Tutorial Posted.

I was planning on recording the headless device tutorial during the Christmas break, but had a few spare minutes at the end of the day on Monday, so pulled this together before leaving the office - I think you can see my desktop clock in the video.
posted by mikehall | 3 Comments
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Embedded World - Nürnberg, Germany Feb 2006

I'm going to be presenting at Embedded World Nürnberg, Germany Feb 14-17 2006 - My session is on the 14th. Let me know whether you're going to be at Embedded World, perhaps drop by the Microsoft booth if you have some time - I was at Embedded World

Podcast (Video) Interview with Erick Eidus - 10 years of mobility.

Have you wondered how things have changed over the last 10 years - I caught up with Erick Eidus who's been working with mobile devices for the last 10 years, check out his first Smartphone and PDA and then compare to the latest gadgets. Here's a direct
posted by mikehall | 0 Comments
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Post # 1000 - Merry Christmas and a Happy new Year !

So, here it is, blog post number 1000, I've been wondering what to put in here, but given the time of year I thought I would simply wish my readers (both of them) a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! - Mike
posted by mikehall | 6 Comments

VS 2005 and Windows CE 5.0 - Where's my emulator ?

After posting two Visual Studio 2005 tutorial videos I've received a couple of questions about the Windows CE Emulator - eMbedded Visual C++ 4.0 and Visual Studio 2003 both shipped with a Windows CE Emulator based on a configuration of Windows

Windows CE 5.0 - Headless Tutorial.

Today I recorded a video that shows how to build, boot, and test a Windows CE 5.0 "headless" O/S image using the Windows CE Emulator - Yes, you can boot a "headless" image using the emulator, you simply don't get any UI in the emulator image. I used

MEDC 2006 - Call for Papers.

The Mobile and Embedded Developers Conference 2006 Call for Papers is now open for business! The conference is divided into four tracks Building Embedded Devices Application Development Managing Windows Mobile Devices Partnering with Microsoft

Podcast: Interview with Janine Harrison, Product Unit Manager for Windows XP Embedded and Windows Embedded for Point of Service (WEPOS)

Microsoft ships three Embedded products, Windows CE, Windows XP Embedded, and Windows Embedded for Point of Service (WEPOS) - in this Podcast interview I talk with Janine Harrison, the Product Unit Manager of the "Embedded Windows" team, Janines team

Windows CE 5.0 and Visual Studio 2005 Tutorials.

If you're interested in writing managed or native code applications for Windows CE 5.0 based devices using Visual Studio 2005 then here's a couple of tutorials you might be interested in. NOTE: these are in process for being uploaded to the

WE-Dig Vancouver - The Trip home...

Wrapping up the WE-DIG Vancouver trip report... There was a great turnout at the Vancouver embedded meeting - if you were there then thanks for coming! - There's so much content that we could cover at these meetings, perhaps we need to go back sometime
posted by mikehall | 0 Comments

Microsoft Windows earns Common Criteria certification

From Infoworld - Microsoft Windows (including Windows XP Embedded SP2) earns Common Criteria certification. Both 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Windows Server 2003, Standard Edition with Service Pack 1; Windows Server 2003, Enterprise Edition with

Road Trip to WE-DIG Vancouver.

Today, Paul Yao, Nick White, Andreas Penna and I took (or toque) a road-trip to Vancouver, Canada – We left Sunny (but cold) Redmond at about 1pm and arrived at the border close to 3pm – everything almost went smoothly, apart from me being singled out
posted by mikehall | 0 Comments

Visual Studio 2005 - What's new for Native Developers.

Visual Studio 2005 ships with the 'bits' needed to write managed (C#/VB) and native (Win32, MFC, ATL etc...) applications, but what's new in the tools for native developers? - Here's an article on MSDN that answers this question. - Mike

Mail Sign off...

I received an e-mail today that had an interesting sign-off... <e-mail_content> Blah, Blah, Blah 01010100 01101000 01100001 01101110 01101011 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101 Name </e-mail_content> Anyone remotely interested in what
posted by mikehall | 6 Comments
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Vancouver/Canada December 14th - WE-Dig Meeting.

I'm going to be presenting at the WE-DIG meeting in Vancouver/Canada on Wednesday 14th December - Paul Yao, Nick White, Andreas Penna and I will be driving up from Microsoft Campus in Redmond, we're guessing the trip will take aboot three hours, I will

Windows Embedded Seminars 2006 - Applied Data

The Microsoft OEM team are running a series of Embedded Seminars throughout 2006 - it looks like Applied Data are going to be there - more information on the content and locations can be found here Also linked from the seminar page is an article

Java is a Dinosaur

Interesting article from BusinessWeek that talks about the move from Java development to .NET and Lamp. - Mike 
posted by mikehall | 1 Comments
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Mobile and Embedded Developers Conference 2006

Planning is under way for the Mobile and Embedded Developers Conference 2006 (MEDC) - If you attended last years event I'd like to hear what you liked, what could have been better, and what we missed... - Mike

16 more blog posts to break the 1,000 mark.

Just checked my blog stats, since starting blogging way back in Feb 2004 I've blogged 984 'things' - this gives me 16 more posts to break the 1,000 mark - actually 15 if you count this one... so, let's see if I can come up with 15 interesting things to

PHP running on Windows CE ?

Isn't it strange how a question can come in from different sources one straight after another... (much like the number 24 bus not appearing for hours [especially when it's cold and raining!], and then three busses all turn up at the same time). Todays
posted by mikehall | 1 Comments
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Debunking the Top 10 Myths About Windows Mobile

Jason Langridge, Enterprise Mobility Solution Specialist, Microsoft Corporation is running a Webcast titled Debunking the Top 10 Myths About Windows Mobile - date/time below. Date: Tuesday, December 13, 2005 Time: 10:00 AM (UTC-8) Pacific Time (United
posted by mikehall | 0 Comments
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Big Mac, Large Fries, and Windows XP Embedded.

I’ve just seen the announcement on Microsoft Presspass that McDonalds is planning on rolling out Windows XP Embedded as the foundation for its new world-wide point-of-sale (POS) platform. – Mike

CEFileWiz - Support for CF 2.0

I've just updated CEFileWiz to support .NET CF 2.0 applications - CEFileWiz now checks the required image runtime version (I'm using Assembly.ImageRuntimeVersion). If the managed assembly is v2.0.50727 then this is a CF 2.0 app/dll, if v1.1.4322

CE Core Blog - Tips for Writing a File System Filter.

The Windows CE "Core" team blog has an interesting article on writing File System Filters - check it out here. - Mike
posted by mikehall | 0 Comments
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Windows CE and Visual Studio 2005 - MFC applications.

Visual Studio 2005 gives developers the ability to have one tool to write their managed (C#/VB) applications, AND native applications (Win32, C/C++, MFC, ATL), which is pretty cool - MFC and ATL versions have both been updated to version 8.0. When you