Jewish Museum Berlin - Library

The library and public reading room

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Ulrike Sonnemann
Tel: +49 (0)30 259 93 564
Fax: +49 (0)30 259 93 441
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Buchcover Ausschnitt
larger viewE. M. Lilien. Sein Werk. Mit einer Einleitung von Stefan Zweig (1903)
© Jüdisches Museum Berlin, Foto: Jens Ziehe, Berlin
In addition to current research literature, our library contains a large collection of books on the history and religion of German-speaking Jews. It includes a special section of books and journals published in Germany in Hebrew and Yiddish, Berlin rabbinical writings, records of the Zionist movement, as well as first editions with illustrations by well-known Jewish artists.
larger viewDie practische Israelitische Köchin von Rebekka Hertz (1890)
© Jüdisches Museum Berlin, Foto: Jens Ziehe, Berlin
The library also houses the papers of the Central Organization of German Citizens of the Jewish Faith, as well as the complete printings of the Soncino Society of Friends of Jewish Books.

The close-to-complete collection of German-Jewish periodicals is available in the form of microfiches and microfilms. The files are electronically recorded with the library management system aDIS/BMS an can be searched online.
Opening hours:
The archive and library reading room of the Jewish Museum Berlin is open to the public. Opening hours are Monday to Thursday, 10am to 4pm. A written application is required for use.
The reading room will be closed on:
7 July 2006, 20 July 2006, 27 July 2006

Opening hours:

The museum is open daily from:
10 to 8, Mondays from 10 to 10.
(closed: 9/23+24, 10/2, 12/24)