
19.09.06 at 4:43AM (GMT)
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Quote: "crisp item!" - Econobrick




Player Skins

Player Skins



  This is the archived news for September 2004:

More Goodies!EDIT

Here's another great skin from Metallica2904! Get this beasty here!


This is the very first release from The_Death! I feel that it is extremely well done for a fiirst release! Get this loverly car HERE!

To everyone on the CWA Board that has shown me kindness, support & compassion; I thank you all VERY much! If it wasn't for you guy's, I'd probably still be moping around! grin.gif

[Edit; There seems to have been a problem with the Dacia... I have it fixed now, So, go get it!]
Posted by Junkpile on 24.09.04 at 12:43PM (GMT)

Rusted & Busted!!!EDIT

Here's another batch of beatifully rusted & busted skins from Metallica2904! You can get these beauties here!
Posted by Junkpile on 23.09.04 at 1:10PM (GMT)

Deadfull ride? midfinger.gif if it isn't grin.gif No, im just kidding...
Here it is, and with the name where the most votes were counted for i present you: Re-Impaler (driven by Ed Hunter).
Posted by TTR on 20.09.04 at 4:51PM (GMT)

Just because DtD is unavailable...EDIT
I decided that this beautiful piece of work should still be available to the public!

You can get this gorgeous machine here!

And, don't forget to read the news from n3wton below this item. I'm quite sure that you'll all find it informative!

Posted by Junkpile on 17.09.04 at 1:10PM (GMT)

The latest on polygonized...EDIT
Here's the scoop from n3wton himself. It was already posted in the TSS forums where it didn't get much of a response accept for some good-natured(?) prodding.But, I think that the information is better detailed here.


The Server was hacked about 2 weeks ago, late saturday / sunday night,
they took down the system files, because they were system files there
is nothing the admins (boose / elendal) can do with it, as it needs a
fresh clean reinstall of the O/S Linux by there suppliers, obivously
this costs, and because boose is far to generous and doesnt charge for
hosting, he aint got any cash to pay for this, originally the HDD was
on its way out, due to the fact of alot of downtime etc, the hacker
just finished it off sad.gif


I personally have another server, its deciated box, running linux,
very very fast & reliable, I have already moved my sites that where
previously hosted with Polygonized to my new server, and so far so
good, I have offered to host CWAboard on my new box, bandwidth isnt a
issue, I have lots and I mean lots of it, although things like the
www.cwaboard.com are still pointing to polygonized

DTD and alike:-

Obivously I would hate to see them all gone down the drain due to a
server being hacked, I have already asked a few Carma webmaster if
there want anything hosting, Beast has approached me already and ask
for hosting, which I have given, obivously like I said above, things
like Bandwidth / space isnt a problem, so I am more then pleased to
host peeps


My little baby, will be coming back very soon! obivously hosted on the
new server, but again the domains wont be active until I can contact
boose and sort some things out

The Future....

Well obivously I cant say for sure if polygonized will arise from the
dead, but personally i cant see boose paying for something 100$
monthly and not seeing anything back from it, its pointless, watch
this space though smile.gif

I did manage to backup the whole of polygonized before it died, 10GB
take a while, the sites I managed to save where:-
Wasted / DTD / CWAboard / CarmaDump / Joypad Junkies / Halo Junkies /
GTA Junkies, obivously I never had access to grab over sites such as
CRUD / PlanetMaim / RM'site but I did my best smile.gif

Hope this clears some stuff up, once i hear anything from either boose
/ elendal I will let you know

Cya for now!


I would like to thank n3wton for the info. And, for offering to host the CWA Board. I have personally had less to do on the internet without it. And,since we're not sure when the change-over will actually happen, I'll be putting the Camaro Conept of my conception that AdR built up in lot 4 of my C2 cars area. Maybe tonight. Later
Posted by Junkpile on 17.09.04 at 11:49AM (GMT)

I Promise, this is the last one!!!EDIT

You can get this killing machine here!

It's fast, heavy & strong. A futuristic killing machine of superb capability. It didn't take long to do. But, it is quite nice! I hope that you all enjoy this one.

BTW, does anyone have a clue as to what is actually going on with Polygonized & the CWA Board? If so E-Mail me at Junkpile3137@yahoo.com & fillme in. Thanks in advance! grin.gif
Posted by Junkpile on 15.09.04 at 1:56PM (GMT)

Always put salt in your eyes!EDIT
Ahoy! It's been quite a while since I last did an update here it would seem. Enough talk! It's time for business?!!
A vehicle be availabe, as well as a skin for it! see here for the car, and here for the skin.
That is all!
Posted by Econobrick on 14.09.04 at 6:20PM (GMT)

Here's another for ya!EDIT

I just couldn't accept that the first mod of this beauty was the best that I could do. So, I just had to do another. It's quite a beauty! You can get it here! Enjoy!

I am doing one other mod of this 'Stang. It's going Hi-Tech with this one. Also, work has begun on the rebuild of the Scorpion. Other than that, it's busy, busy, busy! Later, have fun!

Posted by Junkpile on 14.09.04 at 1:37PM (GMT)

Your votes did count!EDIT

I think that you've all waited long enough for this one... You voted for it to be made on the CWA Board. Now you can get it here! Have a blast with it!
Posted by Junkpile on 10.09.04 at 1:49PM (GMT)

A pair of skin's...EDIT

Let me begin by apologizing to Metallica2904 for the lateness of this update. I just got a LOT busier than I thought I would. But, better late than never, huh? grin.gif the two skin's above can be acquired by the rest of youhere!

Well, go get them & have a bit of fun! I use both of these personally! tongue.gif
Posted by Junkpile on 07.09.04 at 10:17AM (GMT)

Polygonized updatage...EDIT
I guess Beast overreactewd or something about the Polygonized dilemma. According to AdR, it's all back up & everything's working. I haven't checked it out for myself. But, I'm pretty sure I can trust AdR on this. grin.gif

So, let's keep everything moving along over at the CWA Board!

Btw, this mean's that the Camaro concept will be released over at dTD as AdR & I had originally planned! So, I guess you can head pon over there & see if it's available. tongue.gif
Posted by Junkpile on 02.09.04 at 4:26AM (GMT)

shock.gif It's a sad day for the entire CarmaCommunity...EDIT
I just recieved an E-Mail explaining the absence of many of the great carmageddon related sites and everything else on the polygonized server... In AdR's own word's;

"The whole polygonized domain is gone for good. I've been told that joypad junkies and dtd will be back, and I guess the CWA Board as well, but all the messages are gone, there's only a backup of the database left. I'm not sure if you're aware of what happened... the HD of the server died so everything's gone. Hopefully we'll get back on track soon, N3wton's got a new server with unlimited space and bandwidth... let's hope it works out.

'til later...

Let us hope that not too much is lost. I hope the guy's that were hosted there hade some sort of back-up's that the rest of us aren't aware of. But, I will eagerly await the return of these sites, especially the CWA Board!

Because of this, the retro-ish Camaro concept that I had thought up & AdR had built, will be made available for download from here instead of from dtD as we had first planned. So keep watching here for this beauty. It will be made available within the next two day's. As will some skin's that I had not yet gotten around to due to a personal crisis that required my full attention. Stay tuned!
Posted by Junkpile on 01.09.04 at 10:01AM (GMT)

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File Count
C1: 11 cars
C2: 273 cars, 99 skins
TDR: 18 skins
GTA1: 36 cars
GTA2: 5 cars
GTA3: 37 player skins
GTA:VC: 7 cars, 14 skins Crashday: 5 cars, 1 skins

Carma Stuff
Unreleased Stuff

Carmageddon 1

Carmageddon 2



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