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Introduction to Blogs and blogging

Steve and I really enjoyed talking to you the Blogs and Blogging Technet sesson last night and thank you for taking the time to give us some interesting and thought provoking questions, its always interesting to hear other opinions about blogging and why your business would benefit or not from a blog.  Well, as promised, here's a list of all of the resources that I mentioned last night - please correct me if I've missed something out.
Places to host your blog: BloglinesBloggerTextAmericaMSN spaces
Popular Aggregators: Sharpreader,
Newsgator Bloglines Feedreader , IntraVnews  Start (Web based) Feed Demon

Blog search engines: Technorati , Feedster, Pubsub
Blogging communities: GeeksWithBlogs , Weblogs, DotNetJunkies, Technet Bloggers, MSDN Bloggers   http://Blogs.msdn.com
Community Server Source Code and More Info 

Scott Watermasysk’s blog (Community Server)

Microsoft.com Blog Portal

Portal and Smart Components Blog post
Podcast communities: www.windowsitpro.com/podcast www.itconversations.com www.podcaststudio.net

BlogCast communities: www.theblogcastrepository.com http://www.microsoft.com/communities/blogs/PortalHome.mspx
How to record a blogcast: Walkthrough.
Corporate Weblogger Manifesto 
Blogging basics  - keeping an online journal

7 tips to get you started on your business blog

Now, I know that I've missed loads and load of blogging resources out (we only had 2 hours to talk about all this!) - so if you use some fabulous tool for blogging that isn't mentioned above, please add a comment to this post.  Thank you...


Posted: Friday, October 14, 2005 10:23 AM by Eileen_Brown
Filed under: ,


Akin Akintayo said:


I can't see my blog host in that list. I have been with http://www.blog-city.com since December 2003.

Their service has been very prompt, professional, easy to access, use and customise, such that I have taken out a Premium subscription till 2010.

Beyond the commercial schpeel, I have now done a head-to-head on many of the providers. However, in December 2003 I tried out Blogger, BlogSpot and Blog-City, ending up with Blog-City.

Thanks for the general information about blogging.

# October 14, 2005 6:09 AM

Mark Riley said:

Thank you for an intersting and information evening. I've already set-up my own blog! Feel free to cast your expert eyes over it. Again, many thanks.
# October 14, 2005 6:14 AM

ShipperB said:

A real eye opener. Good information + definately a few hours well spent.
# October 14, 2005 9:01 AM

ShipperB said:

This URL is not resolving:
# October 14, 2005 9:03 AM

Eileen_Brown said:

Sorry - a typo - Oops... it's really http://www.sharpreader.net/. I've amended the post...
# October 14, 2005 9:26 AM

Bill Wells said:

A very useful evening Eileen. If you run this again I have 2 or 3 clients/colleques who I think would attend.
Have a nice weekend now. Regards Bill
# October 14, 2005 11:35 AM

Richard Jonas said:

Hi Eileen,

I found this a very interesting evening, and learnt a lot, although can someone please PhotoShop <a href=http://blogs.technet.com/steve_lamb/archive/2005/10/13/412465.aspx>Steve's picture of the event</a>. I'm going to suggest to the management of the company I work for (a medium sized IT consultancy where most people are based on client sites all over the place) that we encourage blogs both for internal and external consumption.

Internal ones will help keep people informed about what everyone else is doing, and external ones could describe problems and solutions that we could use to demonstrate to the outside world that we know what we are talking about. They could also contain personal information to show we are real people.
# October 14, 2005 1:33 PM

Diane Cox said:

Thanks for a friendly intro to a subject I can now really see the benefits (and drawbacks) of.
I'm off to visit those links!
# October 14, 2005 4:48 PM

Diane Cox said:

Hi again - my excursions round the blogosphere found this video about primary school bloggers - thought you and the others might be interested (marginally):

BTW I am now officially a blogcast junkie - having spent the whole weekend expanding my techie consciousness and neglecting my family!
# October 16, 2005 5:15 PM

Ari Protheroe said:

Very useful, I hope you follow up with an more advanced session. Hope you didn't mind but I reviewed your session on my blog :0)

Off to try out some Blogcasting :)
# October 17, 2005 1:36 PM
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