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Webcast for Introverts

I've included this webcast this month as it really struck a chord with me.  I work with a lot of introverts who do an amazing job.  However, in other parts of Microsoft, we tend to favour hiring extroverts (I sat through a recruitment day yesterday to decide who to hire for next years set of graduates.  I was the only part of the business group who wanted to hire introverts - perfect Developer Evangelists).  So I wondered, if you are an introvert, maybe you feel that you can't succeed as much as your fellow colleague who is an extrovert.  Well watch this webcast...

Microsoft Webcast: How Introverts Can Be Themselves and Also Succeed
Wednesday, June 07, 2006 - 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM Pacific Time
Diane Darling, Author, Speaker, & CEO, Effective Networking, Inc.
Introverts have valuable knowledge to share, but they are often overlooked and undervalued. Intended for introverts and those who manage them, this webcast offers insights that can help introverts gain confidence, increase participation, and improve effectiveness. Learn techniques to help introverts feel more included and recommend ways to empower and encourage them without overwhelming them. This session also includes a special demonstration that provides tips on how introverts can give better software demonstrations using Microsoft Office Live Meeting. Understand why introverts are often overlooked, under-promoted, and misunderstood, and discover how you can empower them without forcing them to compromise their natural style.


Published Wednesday, May 17, 2006 2:17 PM by Eileen_Brown
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Saturday, May 20, 2006 1:20 PM by Daniel Eason

# re: Webcast for Introverts

Grads!!!!! Forget them hire me im far better and also the same age i expect!

"SMS/AD/EXCHANGE fan seeks high kudos position in MSFT ;)"
Monday, May 29, 2006 4:17 AM by Eileen_Brown

# re: Webcast for Introverts

Why don't you apply for a role at Microsoft?  Just have a look at the careers page, and submit your resume.
As for Kudos... you get kudos by doing a great job here - that's all there is to it...

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