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Microsoft Partner Program Overview

Published: June 26, 2006


What is it?

From business planning to customer retention, the Microsoft Partner Program offers a single, integrated partnering framework that recognizes your expertise, rewards you for the total impact that you have in the technology marketplace, and delivers value to help your business succeed, regardless of your business size or focus.

Who is it for?

The Microsoft Partner Program is designed for all partners who develop and market solutions based on Microsoft platforms, provide consulting or technical services on Microsoft systems, or recommend Microsoft technology purchases.*

Microsoft partners include consulting services providers, independent software vendors (ISVs), independent hardware vendors, large account resellers (LARs), original equipment manufacturers (OEMs), support providers, system integrators, system builders, training providers, value-added resellers, and value-added providers.

How does it work?

There are three levels of membership in the Microsoft Partner Program: Gold Certified Partner, Certified Partner, and Registered Member. The level at which you join is determined by your organization's level of expertise and your desired level of engagement with Microsoft. Organizations achieve advanced levels of membership by earning Partner Points and qualifying for one or more Microsoft Competencies.

Become a Partner

If you are interested in aligning your company more closely with Microsoft and gaining access to support and resources that can help your company succeed, join the Microsoft Partner Program.

Find Your Volume License Keys

Already a partner and looking for your Volume License Keys? If you are a Certified or Gold Certified Partner, you can sign in to your account to find them.

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* The Microsoft Partner Program is designed for all businesses whose primary function is to (i) sell, service, support or (ii) build solutions on the Microsoft platform or provide solutions based on Microsoft products and technologies to independent third-party customers. Examples of qualifying businesses are: consulting services providers, independent software vendors (ISVs), independent hardware vendors, large account resellers, original equipment manufacturers (OEMs), support providers, system integrators, system builders, training providers, value-added resellers, and value-added providers that sell more than 75% of their products and services to customers outside their own company. Examples of non-qualifying entities are: Non-profit organizations, academic institutions, students, government offices, and businesses whose primary focus is non-IT related activities. Specific types of businesses whose primary focus is non-IT related, but who have significant influence on technology purchases, may qualify to participate in the Microsoft Partner Program.


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