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David Cronenberg's The Fly
Mike Bracken is a bona fide horror film expert; enough so that he knows that simply calling The Fly "horror" would be far too simplistic. It is that, but it is also a disturbing and tragic psychological drama that takes David Cronenberg's theme of bodily betrayal to its very limit. Even within the context of Cronenberg's own great body of work, every aspect of this 1986 film shines.   ...More

Kamyu nante shiranai (Who's Camus Anyway?) directed by Mitsuo Yanagimachi

Existentialism, Japanese Style
Entertaining and provocative Altmanesque film about a group of Japanese film students.
Snakes on a Plane directed by David R. Ellis

You Get What You Pay For
After a great first forty-five minutes, Snakes on a Plane sadly runs out of steam and never really recovers. What should have been a B-movie classic instead comes off like a thankless video rental.
Kisses & Caroms directed by Vince Rocca

"Zack, You Forgot to Leave Your Balls Here."
Nope; before checking out this fun, good-natured, independent sex comedy, I didn't know what a "carom" was, either,

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Action Anime / Animation
Asian Action Comedy
Cult Documentary
Drama Exploitation
Foreign Gay / Lesbian
Horror Kids
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John NesbitRachel Gordon
Travis LowellBrandon Curtis
Dainon MoodyDavid Abrams
Lee Chase IVDaniel Briney
Andrew HicksTiffany Sanchez
Lucas StenslandChris Barsanti

   • Andrew Jenks, Room 335
   • Sympathy for Lady Vengeance
   • Real Dirt on Farmer John, The
   • Up for Grabs
   • Peindre Ou Faire L'Amour (To Paint or Make Love)
   • Card Player, The

   • Descent, The
   • Illusionist, The
   • World Trade Center
   • Night Listener, The
   • Miami Vice
   • Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby

   • Altruist, The
   • Boot ist voll, Das (The Boat is Full)
   • Viridiana
   • Gay Sex in the 70s
   • Banshun (Late Spring)
   • States of Control

   • Fly, The (1986)
   • Babe: Pig in the City
   • Breakfast Club, The
   • Jalsagbar (The Music Room)
   • Superman II
   • Superman (1978)

   •Less summer more bummer
   •Summer's big bang (whimper)
   •Lee Picks The Best (And Worst) of 2005
   •The Jewish/Palestinian Question: Cinema That Seeks Broader Strokes
   •2005: 10 Best Films of the Year
   •Best Movies of 2005
   •Dead Again, or A New Dawn for George A. Romero: An Interview With Author Tony Williams
   •Lloyd Kaufman, Troma Entertainment President
   •My Evening With Bruce

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