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Voice spam: How to stop it

I really love this idea.  We've been working on a tool to stop voice spam.  You know, those annoying calls offering to give you a better deal on your cell phone, a free kitchen, a credit card that pays you just for using the card.  I

Easy blogging with Windows Live Writer

Mike has been bugging me to blog about this, and because I didn't do it immediately, he's blogged about the beta version of Live writer is now available for you to download.  I've been using Live writer to do these posts for a while now. 

Talking Microsoft

James has been talking to people at Microsoft in the UK and has started with one of the newest hires to join the UK team - the General Manager, Gordon Frazer.  We hosted this video, and have created a new blog - a "Talking Microsoft" blog. 

Boy Geeks and Girl Geeks

I've just bullied my team in going to the next Girly Geek dinner in London (Each boy needs to be invited by a girl).  We get so much out of these events (without actually having to work at all).  There are so many interesting women there from
posted by Eileen_Brown | 14 Comments
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Plasma or Diamonds

Sorry.  I really don't agree with this.  I'd MUCH rather have a diamond necklace.  Who the heck did they ask?  Surely women in Technology can't be that geeky can they?    Ladies.  help me out here... which would you
posted by Eileen_Brown | 2 Comments
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Microsoft music player: Tunes with Zune

I've been following all of the commentary about Zune since we announced the other day that we had plans to create a portable music player... I use my phone for music anyway, so I didn't get too excited.  In fact, I wasn't going to mention this
posted by Eileen_Brown | 1 Comments
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TechNet Search Supremo

...I'm ashamed of myself. I played the TechNet search supremo game today and only scored 821 points. Why am I ashamed?  I spend 4 hours creating over 30 of the questions (and multiple choice answers in the game).  And I still couldnt' get
posted by Eileen_Brown | 1 Comments
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Gordon Frazer: The new boss at Microsoft UK

Well the new boss at Microsoft UK has finally been announced.  Gordon Frazer will be taking over the helm on 31st July.  He seems like a really great regular guy.  He's climbed Mount Kilimanjaro, which I've always wanted to do but never

Machine cinema - will it catch on?

I've been really remiss.  Steve, who works in my team, has been really creative with Machinima (Machine Cinema) and released a little clip onto Youtube last week and I didn't notice.  I have loads of excuses though - things like the roadshow

My best Microsoft things - in a list...

Following on from Steve's blog entry the other day, after listening to James' musings at the roadshow on Wednesday, because it's Friday, I'm winding down to a wonderful sunny weekend, and completed my urgent tasks - I thought I'd add my
posted by Eileen_Brown | 5 Comments
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Acronym hell in conference calls

James has been nagging me to have a look at this video that he found on Jasons blog.  He practically forced me to watch it the other day. The scary thing is - I understand almost all of the acronyms and buzzwords that they used during the video. 
posted by Eileen_Brown | 4 Comments
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Webcast for Introverts

I've included this webcast this month as it really struck a chord with me.  I work with a lot of introverts who do an amazing job.  However, in other parts of Microsoft, we tend to favour hiring extroverts (I sat through a recruitment day yesterday
posted by Eileen_Brown | 2 Comments
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Orb lets you view your files on your phone...

I've been raving about this for ages now - Orb gives me the ability to watch my recorded TV programs from my Smartphone.  I need never be disconnected from my TV soaps again.  It really impressed my US colleagues when I showed them back

Geeking out with the girls...

Sarah did an amazing job with last nights Girly geek dinner in London - over 180 people registered for the event.  There are some truly awesome women who want to be with other technically focused women.  The show of hands showed that there were
posted by Eileen_Brown | 4 Comments
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Do things really happen in threes?

... I wonder?  Last week, the video that I'd done for channel 9 was published, and this week the video that we all did for the Exchange Unplugged tour back in November has gone live on the IT's ShOwtime site.  There are little clips of
posted by Eileen_Brown | 1 Comments
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