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December 2005 - Posts

Have you installed MOM 2005 Summary Reporting Pack?

The MOM 2005 Summary Reporting Pack (SRP) extends the MOM data warehouse to provide long term reports on performance metrics and alerts based on weekly and daily summarization of data. Key reports include Exchange resource and protocol utilization,

Searching for MOM Information

Here's a tip to help searching for MOM information at the microsoft.com sites.  For instance, from search.msn.com, if you want to find information MOM and cluster support, you can use the following handy searches: To search the MOM web site, use
posted by dalekoetke | 0 Comments

SQL 2005 Management Pack Released

The Management Pack for SQL 2005 has released!  Get it at http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyId=79F151C7-4D98-4C2B-BF72-EC2B4AE69191&displaylang=en. SQL 2005 Management Pack description: The Microsoft SQL Server Management
posted by dalekoetke | 2 Comments