Friday, September 09, 2005 - Posts

ISA 2004 and Exchange 2003

Kind of timely to see that a new guide has been published on titled "Application Layer Firewall protection for Exchange 2003 with ISA Server 2004". It tells you much more than I've been demonstrating in the blogcast series on infrastructure essentials recently, so take a look here.

TechNet improvements

Just came across this yesterday. If you are a TechNet subscriber, changes to the online site have been made which makes organising your subscription much easier through the introduction of the TechNet indexes. You can find this at

In this Septembers shipment, you get an offline version of the indexes. The index allows you to easily search for products in the subscription to locate which disc it is on by Full Text, by disc number or by part number.

Seperating web admin from the virtual server host

Clive picked up on this one last week - a new whitepaper was published which walks through how to seperate the web administration interface from the virtual server host, and that lovely subject called "Constrained Delegation". Almost all of this is explained in the Virtual Server administrators help file too, but have a read of the whitepaper yourself - it's much easier to understand (IMHO)!