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VS.Net & .Net CF (RSS)

.NET Compact Framework v2 SP1 was released!

In the case you have missed it, .NET CF team has released v2 SP1! Point your browse to this netcfteam's post to learn more about added features and fixed issues: Microsoft .NET Compact Framework version 2.0 SP1 release has been completed and is

Mobile Client Software Factory - Check it out!

Are you developing LOB applications? Occasionally-connected mobile applications? Make sure to check the Mobile Client Software Factory: Overview A new patterns & practices Guidance offering to help you build end to end solutions on the Mobile platform.

How geek are you? How about editing code on your Pocket PC?!

Let's say you need to finish that software project in the next hour but are stuck in the traffic... don't worry anymore! Now you can open up your Visual Studio project on your Pocket PC and start coding at anytime and anywhere! Logical Sky has launched

Microsoft Device Emulator 2.0 Beta CTP available!

Barry, who owns WM and WinCE device emulation, let us know on this post that the new V2 Beta CTP is available for download here! According to Barry, V2 has: Much improved performance DEComInterfaces.idl - the COM interface to the emulator, along

Windows CE NERD: Network Enabled Refrigeration Device!!!

Ok, you have to check this out! :-) How about developing a Windows CE image for a fridge, developing applictions for it using Managed Code with Visual Studio 2005 and, guess what, using Windows Mobile-based devices to remotely connect and check your refrigeration

Windows Mobile 5.0 Developer Resource Kit available!

You can now order or download the new WM 5.0 Developer Resource Kit: With the Windows Mobile 5.0 Developer Resource Kit, you'll have everything you need to start developing for Windows Mobile 2003 and Windows Mobile 5.0 based devices: Learn about

Chat with Visual Studio Core team...

One of things I love at Microsoft is the possibility of getting to know what other teams are doing through our intranet – one can find product specs, alpha/beta versions of products, prototypes, usability studies, etc. It is a huge set of knowledge that

SMTP/POP3 email component for .NET Compact Framework for free!!!

Gaurav Khanna just posted CSLMail - SMTP/POP3 email component for .NET Framework AND .NET Compact Framework - in his own words: CSLMail 2.0 is a free and feature rich .NET based email component, which supports the SMTP and POP3 protocols, completing

Two .Net Compact Framework blogs...

I've just learned about these two blogs targeting Windows Mobile and .Net Compact Framework: .NET Compact Framework Tutorials: great content/tutorials for those getting into Windows Mobile development - it is worth reading it! SMARTYMOBILE: great

The Design of the .Net Compact Framework CLR

Steven Pratschner has published a great series of articles regarding the design of the .Net Compact Framework Common Language Runtime (CLR), including an introduction & background, JIT (just in time) compiler design considerations and Garbage Collection

Bluetooth development on Windows Mobile

For those who asked me about Bluetooth development for Windows Mobile-based devices, here is a couple of links from the MobileDeveloper Wiki at Channel9 (a lot of content there!): 32Feet.net Personal Area Networking for .NET Microsoft shared

Calling managed code from native on Windows Mobile.

During a presentation yesterday I was asked how to call managed code from a native application running on Windows Mobile. Jason Fuller's Mirror implemantation came to my mind, and as promised, here is the link and details: "Here's how it works. 

CSS Properties Window Add-on for Visual Studio 2005

Are you developing ASP.NET? How about a CSS Properties window to help you out??? Mikhail Arkhipov highlights it here: The CSS Properties window is an add-in package to Visual Studio 2005. It does not change the behavior of any feature in Visual Studio

PhotoBlogMobile demo available - Simple photo blog application for Windows Mobile based devices

I made the source code of my TechEd demo available for download at GotDotNet Workspaces - you can download it here: http://workspaces.gotdotnet.com/PhotoBlogMobile. This release allows a user to take pictures on a WM 5.0-based Smartphone, upload to a

Windows Mobile DeviceEmulator phone numbers!

During the demo I did at TechEd Brazil, I showed how to send "yourself" text messages (SMS) inside the device emulator - it is just a matter of sending an SMS to device's phone number, which is: "+1 (425) 001-0001". It turns out there are
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