It is hoped that the strength of our membership can persuade Oracle that we are an influential body of existing customers whose business is important enough for them to take our advice and criticism seriously and act upon them.The main objective of the Construction SIG is to co-ordinate the interest in the UK Construction area, in order to:
  • Elevate the dialogue and interaction between the user community and Oracle
  • Agree common issues, prioritise them and communicate them to Oracle senior management for them to progress
  • Identify product failings and to recommend product enhancements for potential incorporation into Oracle software
  • Be a resource for networking and knowledge sharing with other Users who have a common product interest
  • Promote two-way communication regarding product development and enhancement
  • Be a vehicle for Oracle to use when trying to sell to potential new customers
Through meetings, listservers and other interaction opportunities, SIG members will share their experiences, make contact with other users in the same industry or using the same product, and identify product development issues in conjunction with Oracle. Together, they will create position papers and enhancement papers addressing those issues.




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