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General & Technical Staff Annual Show


home-page-images/homepagepraxis_r1_c1.jpghome-page-images/homepagepraxis_r2_c1.jpg It is important that COFA encourage technical and general staff to further their interests, and develop capacity as practitioners, in the art and design disciplines. This is an important staff development issue which in turn brings manifold benefits to the College of Fine Arts.

For example, from a student viewpoint, higher levels of expertise, whether practical or theoretical, from technical and general staff is an obvious and unconditional benefit to their education.

Further, detailed knowledge of College working processes and facilities contributes to the smooth running of these sometimes complex operations and also leads to the timely and intelligent development of facilities. Simply put, if staff are using the equipment to its limits, they know it well, can improve its functionality and can better demonstrate and instruct students and other staff. Additionally, there is increased confidence in what assistance can be provided to students by all levels by staff who are themselves confident in their practice.

Perhaps of greatest general importance is that the Prax-is concept dissolves any artificial institutionally created barriers between the work of academic, general and technical staff. It encourages everyone to develop their capacities as best they can, within a helpful and encouraging College environment.

The COFA Students Association facility, the Kudos Gallery, and many individuals have made the development of Prax-is both possible and the great success it currently is. Deborah West should be congratulated for her particular commitment to this overall project.

May Prax-is continue to develop in scope and quality of outcomes.

Ian Howard
June 2001
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Site Authorisation: David Barnes - Faculty Manager
Site Maintenance: 04/02/02
Site was upgraded: 28/11/2000
Site established: 28/11/2000