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Security Partners

Find information about Microsoft partners who provide a wide range of security solutions.

Competency Partners

Security Solutions Competency

Security is a top priority both for Microsoft and for our solutions partners. Partners that have achieved the Microsoft Security Solutions Competency have proven their proficiency in using Microsoft technology to provide security solutions that help protect your information assets.

Global Systems Integrators

Global Delivery Partners

Learn more about global consulting and integration firms that help enterprise customers design, install, and maintain secure networks, mobile access, and remote connectivity using Microsoft technologies.

Industry Partners

Global Infrastructure Alliance for Internet Safety

With the goal of fostering industry collaboration, GIAIS is a working group designed to drive a more secure Internet environment for consumers by working with leading service providers from around the world to help keep their 150 million customers more secure on the Internet.

SecureIT Alliance

To address security challenges over the long term, software companies must collaborate more closely; Microsoft is committed to enabling this collaboration and is working with industry leaders, governments, and other key stakeholders to address the challenges of information technology security. The SecureIT Alliance is a Web-enabled collaboration forum between partners to help members build innovative security solutions and to communicate with customers about security solutions and partnerships.

Virus Information Alliance

The Virus Information Alliance (VIA) is a centralized resource for Internet users seeking information about the latest virus threats affecting Microsoft technology.

Product-Specific Partners

ISA Server Partners

Find out how you can quickly and easily deploy ISA Server on a hardware solution, and learn how you can customize and extend security and management features through a number of third-party solutions.

Windows Rights Management Services Partners

Find out how independent software vendors, infrastructure service providers, and systems integrators can take advantage of the cutting-edge information protection technologies provided by Microsoft Windows Rights Management Services (RMS). Learn more about our partners and the solutions they are bringing to market.


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