
Kevin Dangoor is the leader of the TurboGears project and founder of Blazing Things.


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Archive for the 'TurboGears' Category

There can’t be only one.

I guess I’d better give up now. Guido announced at SciPy that Django is the “standard” web framework for Python. How’s that for a first two sentences of a blog post? Of course, only one of those two sentences is accurate.
According to the blog post I linked to above, Guido “hopes that Django and TurboGears […]

I will be presenting TurboGears at the Great Lakes Software Excellence Conference, which is October 25th and 26th in Grand Rapids, Michigan. If you’re in the midwest, I hope to meet up with you there!

TurboGears 0.9a9 released (something different)

Today, TurboGears 0.9a9 was released. This is a bug fix release with a couple of minor enhancements. The big difference with this release was that it was completely handled by Elvelind Grandin. Elvelind was, if memory serves, the first person (after me) with svn commit access to TurboGears and he has been helping out all […]

Oprius has just updated their website and opened up signups. Their first offering is Oprius Foundations, which is a free, integrated contacts, calendar and todo management app. It’s very slick, Ajaxy goodness can be seen in their screencast. This is a stepping stone to their actual bread-and-butter product: Oprius Independent. Independent is software to help […]

The good folks over at ShowMeDo have put together a convenient, all-in-one-place index of TurboGears videos. Check them out! (And, of course, you can get hours more on the DVD.)
Thanks, Ian and Kyran!

Fast Track Needs You!

Jonathan LaCour has sent up the call: Fast Track Needs You! And it does! A chance to help out with a new name, logo and look. It’s a great and useful project, and these are fun areas to help in. (Oh, and I’m certain Jonathan would be happy to accept patches if you want to […]

Ian Maurer’s Python Web frameworks, Part 2: Web development with TurboGears and Python is up on IBM DeveloperWorks now. I haven’t read his final copy yet, but I did get a chance to read a draft. With today’s featureful frameworks, there’s a lot more to write about than can fit into a single introductory article. […]

Charlie Moad announced TurboZSI today, which is a package that wraps up the ZSI library to provide SOAP-based web services for TurboGears. It looks good, but it also reminds me about why I like standard HTTP with JSON return values for web APIs.

PlotKit with EasyPlot in TurboGears nice and easy client-side graphing.

TechCrunch has the story today: GoodStorm to offer e-commerce widget with 50% revenue split for bloggers, talking about a new service called MeCommerce. There’s a whole bunch going on in this one that makes me take notice. 1) MeCommerce was put together by FrozenBear and runs TurboGears under the hood. 2) 50% of retail markup […]

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