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October 2004 - Posts

SIP and SIMPLE - acronyms explained

I was trying to find a decent explanation of the differences between SIP and SIMPLE the other day for a presentation for a customer when I came across this useful link which explains all of the acronyms and gives an overview of what each protocol does

RSS feeds and how to use them

I know that for all experienced bloggers out there, RSS feeds are a piece of cake, and the little orange XML button by the side of links actually mean something.  But, I'm a Systems Engineer, not a Developer, and the world of XML is completely mystifying

Bloggers block - already?

Well I've done it.  After several weeks of planning to create a blog, I've finally stopped prevaricating, and worked through the simple process of setting up and getting a site.  Now this is where the problem starts.  What on earth
posted by Eileen_Brown | (Comments Off)
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