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Wednesday, November 30, 2005 - Posts

Technet magazine

I've just written an article for the Technet magazine which is now available on line. My article will appear in the next edition. However, Steve made it into the first edition. Great job Steve. Do you want to write for TechNet mag? just use the contact
Posted by Eileen_Brown | 0 Comments
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Exchange Server support tools

I've been so busy out on the road at IT forum, then out of the country on holiday and now out on the road with the Exchange Unplugged tour ( here's the tour blog by the way) that i havent had any chance to keep up to date with anything at all, so I've

Granting access to another mailbox

I noticed that this flash tip has been highlighted on TechNet recently, and how very appropriate and timely as i'[ve had 2 mails this week about this very topic. Susan wanted to know how to grand acces to someone elses mailbox, and Claire wanted to know