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August 2005 - Posts

I just read this article today about Massachusetts wanting to move away from closed formats and standardize on open formats (OpenOffice's XML and PDF). While it's not mentioned in the article, from what I've been told there is not yet a decision made, Read More
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At this point, we're getting really close to PDC and I can't wait. At PDC, I'm going to go through some examples of the new formats in all three applications (Word, Excel, and PowerPoint). I'll continue to talk about Office 2003 as well, but there will Read More
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In almost any solution you build in Word, there will be times that you either want to capture the content from part of the document, or insert some additional content at some location in the document. One example scenario I've seen for this are clause Read More
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Intro to Word XML Part 5: Opening custom XML files I've been talking for awhile now about the support for custom defined schemas in Office. I'm actually going to pull together a post in the next week or so that addresses the uses and motivations behind Read More
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We put an article up back in the winter on transforming from WordprocessingML into XSL-FO. From there, you can go into other formats like PDF. Not sure if you guys have already seen this, but if not you should check it out: http://msdn.microsoft.com/office/understanding/word/codesamples/default.aspx?pull=/library/en-us/odc_wd2003_ta/html/officewordwordmltoxsl-fo.asp Read More
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Jerry Dunietz is now up on Channel 9 talking about the XML Paper Specification. They use ZIP in a similar way to how we use it in Office to store our XML files. In fact, the APIs that they release for parsing through the contents of their packages (files) Read More
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In the Intro to Word XML Part 3, I showed how you could add your own XML to a Word document. I also briefly touched on how you could take advantage of the XML to make programming against the document a lot easier. Let's now briefly explore data validation. Read More
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Slashdot: MS Office XML Format Now in TextEdit I saw this the other day on slashdot. I have to admit that this is the first time I've heard about this and I'm not really familiar with exactly what is being output by TextEdit. In the slashdot post there Read More
TechWeb: XML From Office? Microsoft's Open Promise http://www.intelligententerprise.com/channels/content_management/showArticle.jhtml?articleID=165700225#_ I thought Doug made some good points in his article, but there was still come skepticism at Read More
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This isn't a post on XML or the file formats, but I just saw this and wanted to link to it. Just the other day a tool was posted that allows you to do redaction on a Word document. You can get the download here: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyId=028C0FD7-67C2-4B51-8E87-65CC9F30F2ED&displaylang=en Read More
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