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Tuesday, April 05, 2005 - Posts

SMS 2003 scripting guide

I noticed that the SMS 2003 scripting guide was released last week.  It's quite useful if you're not too good at scripting (like me) and need a head start.  If you're a script guru, then there are links to the SDK's and the Windows 2000

Lots more management packs released for MOM 2005

There has been 10 more management packs released for MOM 2005 Management Packs.  This release almost doubles the number of MOM 2005 enhanced Management Packs available for Microsoft products and enhances MOM’s capability to manage these crucial applications

Windows mobile 2005

I noticed that Engadget had a screenshot of Windows Mobile 2005 Magneto the other day.  Heck I'm not running it yet, and covet the fact that Ewan is. He was giving me a tour of the new features over coffee this morning.   Grrr!   I'm