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Creating Address lists in Exchange 2003

So I'm over in Seattle for a couple of weeks (no, I'm not posting my blog posts in the middle of the night!  I'm over here for a series of meetings, a Technical training event (a bit like TechEd for internal staff) and then I'm going on an Exchange 12 training course to perpare for the round of training and seminars coming up as we move on towards the E12 launch. I'm still doing my day hob whilst I'm over here though, although the mails may be a little bit late in arriving.  Here's a mail I received over the weekend from a school authority that I'd done some work with.  They're migrating from Exchange 5.5 to Exchange 2003

The authority manages 120 schools throughout the UK and each users Department field was populated with the name of the school for every user. They wanted to have all the 120 schools ordepartments listed in the GAL, so that when the school name is selected, it should show all the users associated with that school.
This was really easy in Exchange 5.5 where all you had to do was to create Address Views and group these by Department.  They wanted to be able to do the same thing in Exchange 2003.

How to Configure Address Lists
For the example described in this section, you create an Address Book to find all users who are situated in a particular school. To configure this Address Book view:

1. In Exchange System Manager:
2. Expand the Recipients object, right-click the All Address Lists object, point to New, and then click Address List. 
3. Type a name that describes the list that you are creating, for example, type School.
4. Click Filter Rules.
5. On the General tab, click the types of Exchange 2003 objects that are displayed in a particular Address Book view.
For example, click to clear either the Users with external e-mail addresses check box, the Groups check box, the Contacts check box, or the Public Folders check box to exclude these groups from the address list.
6. To configure address lists that are specific to a particular Exchange 2003 computer, click the Storage tab, click Mailboxes on this server, click Browse, click the server that you want to use, and then click OK.
Alternatively, click Mailboxes in this mailbox store, click Browse, click a mailbox store, and then click OK.
7. Click the Advanced tab, click Field, and then click the User attribute, then click Department.
8. Under the Condition label, click one of the following settings depending on the information that you are trying to find:
Is(exactly) and type the name of the school you want 
9. Click Add.
10. After you have finished adding conditions, click Find Now.
Matches to the conditions are displayed in the new list that is displayed at the bottom of the Find Users, Contacts, and Groups dialog box.
11. Confirm that the list displays the correct users for the Address Book view, and then click OK.
The new address list is displayed in Exchange System Manager

There's a kb article detailing how to organise address lists in Exchange 2003 and you could also organise your address lists so that the schools are displayed in order.  See one of my earlier blog entries for more information on this though...


I'm a bit bemused about some bits of American life though.  I've just had to put pertol in the car I'm using and wanted to pay cash.for the fuel  Now, I've never driven this type of car before, have only driven it for the first time today, and I had to guess how much money the tank would hold.  So I guessed at $20 and then wondered if that was too much (petrol over here is way cheaper than it is in the UK).  Turns out that $20 only put just over half a tank in the thing so I'll have to go back again later on in the week.  So the strange thing is, I can drink all night in a bar and settle my bill at the end (I pay for each drink in a UK pub), but I have to pay for petrol before I'm allowed to take any.

So my question is... if the maximum amount that I could get in the car was only $16 dollars, would I have had to go back into the petrol station to get some change - or would I have lost it? Come on now - I need to know...


Published Wednesday, January 04, 2006 11:00 PM by Eileen_Brown
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Wednesday, January 04, 2006 7:56 PM by Blake Handler

# re: Creating Address lists in Exchange 2003

It's rare to purchase a full tank of gas (I mean "petrol") using cash.

To "secure" a full tank of gas we use a credit card (or cute little keychain fobs that you wave in front of the gas pump) -- Cash is usually used for small (set) amounts of gas.

Or as you've discovered, you'll need to give the gas attendent more than enough money, then return for your change.
Thursday, January 05, 2006 1:19 PM by Chris Bettin

# re: Creating Address lists in Exchange 2003

Actually it is highly dependant on the gas station. There are several gas stations that make you prepay, while others actually allow you to pay after. I think it depends on the neighborhood, owner, and time of day (evening more likely to require prepayment). In your case, yes you would need to go back in for change if you overpay.

At some of the downtown locations I have to put my credit card billing zip code in to authorize before pumping.

If you travel just south to Oregon, you will find that you are not allowed to pump your own gas, and that an attendant must do it for you. It is a state law there.
Thursday, January 05, 2006 4:52 PM by Eileen_Brown

# re: Creating Address lists in Exchange 2003

It was a Shell garage in Kirkland - a nice residential area (big houses) - not downtown or anywhere dodgy. I'd tried the credit card thingy - but as my credit card is registered in the UK I failed the credit check (and the only zip code I know is Beverley Hills 90210)

It's a bit of a drive down to Oregon just to have someone else do this for me though - but it's certainly an idea for the next tank full!..
Wednesday, February 22, 2006 10:43 AM by John Howard, IT Pro Evangelist, Microsoft UK

# I'm leaving Microsoft UK, but joining...

In many ways, yesterday was a sad day as I resigned from Microsoft UK after 18 months or so, having decided...
Saturday, February 25, 2006 1:06 PM by shahab

# re: Creating Address lists in Exchange 2003

i love msn mail
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